import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Navigation { static final int MAXNODE = 1000; static double fillD( Graph g, Map, Double>> D, String node, Set colors) { //System.out.println("X:" + node + " " + colors); // if it doesn't contain an entry for the node, create one. if(!D.containsKey(node)) { D.put(node, new HashMap, Double>()); // if it contains an entry for the node, and // also for the color set just return it } else if(D.get(node).containsKey(colors)) { return D.get(node).get(colors); } // we don't have an entry, so we must compute it: double mind = 1.0/0.0; // for all neighbors of valid colors colors.remove(g.color(node)); for (String w : g.getNeighbors(node)) { if (colors.contains(g.color(w))) { // recursively compute the weights double q = fillD(g, D, w, colors) + g.weight(node, w); if( mind < 0 || mind > q) { mind = q; } } } colors.add(g.color(node)); D.get(node).put(colors, mind); //System.out.println("X:" + node + " " + colors + " " + mind); return mind; } static void findPathWeight(String [][] entries, int numEntries, String u, String v) { Graph g = new Graph(); g.readGraph(entries, numEntries); // create the set of all colors Set allColors = new TreeSet(); for(String x : g.vertices()) { allColors.add(g.color(x)); } // the dynamic programming array Map, Double>> D = new HashMap, Double>>(); // create the entry for u, the base case D.put(u, new HashMap, Double>()); Set S = null; for(int i : allColors) { S = new TreeSet(); S.add(i); D.get(u).put(S, (i==g.color(u))? 0.0: (1.0/0.0)); } double length = fillD(g, D, v, allColors); // fill it System.out.println(u + " " + v + " " + ((length == 1.0 / 0.0)?"NONE":length)); } static public void printEntries(String [][] entries, int numEntries) { for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { String node1 = entries[i][0]; int nodeType = Integer.parseInt(entries[i][1]); System.out.print("Node " + node1 + " type = " + nodeType); if(entries[i][2] != null) { float wt = Float.parseFloat(entries[i][2]); System.out.print(" w/ edges of weight " + wt + " to neighbors ="); int j = 3; while (entries[i][j] != null) { String node2 = entries[i][j]; System.out.print(" " + node2); j++; } } System.out.println(); } } static public void main(String [] args) { // read the graph Scanner inp = new Scanner(; try { String line = inp.nextLine(); if (!line.equals("GRAPH BEGIN")) throw new Exception(); while (inp.hasNext()) { if (!inp.hasNext()) throw new Exception(); // found new graph String [][] entries = new String [MAXNODE][]; int numEntries = 0; while (inp.hasNext()) { String ln = inp.nextLine(); if (ln.equals("GRAPH END")) //* end of graph specification break; String [] entry = new String[MAXNODE]; int idx = 0; // read in entry (on single line) Scanner sc = new Scanner(ln); if(!sc.hasNext()) throw new Exception(); entry[idx++] =; // node if(!sc.hasNext()) throw new Exception(); entry[idx++] =; // node type if(sc.hasNext()) { entry[idx++] =; // weight of edges to while (sc.hasNext()) { entry[idx++] =; // these neighbors } } entry[idx] = null; entries[numEntries++] = entry; // save entry } // printEntries(entries, numEntries); // process lines after graph, if any while (inp.hasNext()) { line = inp.nextLine(); if (line.equals("GRAPH BEGIN")) { break; } Scanner s = new Scanner(line); String u =; // start node String v =; // end node findPathWeight(entries, numEntries, u, v); } } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("BAD INPUT FORMAT"); } } }