;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss" "lang")((modname ml) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f))) ; A Content is a [Listof Item] ; Interp: a collection of content in a markup document ; An Item is one of: ; - a String ; - an Element ; Interp: an item in a document, either text or an element ; An Element is a (make-elem Tag Content) ; Interp: an element is content annotated with a tag (define-struct elem (tag content)) ; A Tag is a String ; Interp: the name of the tag, e.g. "p" ;; : Content -> ? #; (define (content-template c) (cond [(empty? c) ...] [(cons? c) (... (item-template (first c)) (content-template (rest c)))])) ;; : Item -> ? #; (define (item-template i) (cond [(string? i) ...] [(elem? i) (... (elem-template i) ...)])) ;; : Element -> ? #; (define (elem-template e) (... (elem-tag e) (content-template (elem-content e)) ...)) (define P-HI (make-elem "p" (list "hi"))) (define I-HI (make-elem "i" (list "hi"))) (define B-HI (make-elem "b" (list "hi"))) (define IP-HI (make-elem "i" (list (make-elem "p" (list "hi"))))) (define II-HI (make-elem "i" (list (make-elem "i" (list "hi"))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 1: ;; NOTE: there is some subtlety about white space that we ignore. ;; For example, you might want to represent the newline and white space between ;; the end of and

, or you might choose to ignore it. ;; This chooses to ignore some whitespace: (define eg1 (list (make-elem "h1" (list "Mark it")) (make-elem "p" (list "Edit a file named " (make-elem "b" (list "EXACTLY")) " " (make-elem "tt" (list "ml.rkt")) " for this part of the assignment. " "Add your information to the standard file header " "at the top of the file.")) (make-elem "p" (list "Markup languages " (make-elem "i" (list "abound")) ". Examples include HTML, XML, XHTML, LaTeX, troff, " "YAML, and many many more. A" (make-elem "b" (list "markup language")) " is used to...")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 2: content-to-HTML ;; content-to-HTML : Content -> String ;; Convert content to HTML string (check-expect (content-to-HTML '()) "") (check-expect (content-to-HTML (list P-HI)) "


") (define (content-to-HTML c) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(foldr (λ (i s) (string-append (item-to-HTML i) s)) "" c) (cond [(empty? c) ""] [(cons? c) (string-append (item-to-HTML (first c)) (content-to-HTML (rest c)))])) ;; item-to-HTML : Item -> String ;; Convert item to HTML string (check-expect (item-to-HTML "hi") "hi") (check-expect (item-to-HTML P-HI) "


") (define (item-to-HTML i) (cond [(string? i) i] [(elem? i) (elem-to-HTML i)])) ;; elem-to-HTML : Element -> String ;; Convert element to HTML string (check-expect (elem-to-HTML P-HI) "


") (define (elem-to-HTML e) (string-append "<" (elem-tag e) ">" (content-to-HTML (elem-content e)) "")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 3: content-contains-tag? ;; content-contains-tag? : Content Tag -> Boolean ;; Does the content contain an element with given tag name? (check-expect (content-contains-tag? '() "p") #false) (check-expect (content-contains-tag? (list "p") "p") #false) (check-expect (content-contains-tag? (list P-HI) "p") #true) (define (content-contains-tag? c t) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(ormap (λ (i) (item-contains-tag? i t)) c) (cond [(empty? c) #false] [(cons? c) (or (item-contains-tag? (first c) t) (content-contains-tag? (rest c) t))])) ;; item-contains-tag? : Item Tag -> Boolean ;; Does the item contain an element with given tag name? (check-expect (item-contains-tag? "p" "p") #false) (check-expect (item-contains-tag? P-HI "p") #true) (define (item-contains-tag? i t) (cond [(string? i) #false] [(elem? i) (elem-contains-tag? i t)])) ;; elem-contains-tag? : Element Tag -> Boolean ;; Does the element contain an element with given tag name? (check-expect (elem-contains-tag? P-HI "p") #true) (check-expect (elem-contains-tag? P-HI "i") #false) (check-expect (elem-contains-tag? IP-HI "p") #true) (define (elem-contains-tag? e t) (or (string=? t (elem-tag e)) (content-contains-tag? (elem-content e) t))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 4: content-length ;; content-length : Content -> Number ;; Sum length of all textual items in content (check-expect (content-length '()) 0) (check-expect (content-length (list "hi")) 2) (check-expect (content-length (list P-HI)) 2) (define (content-length c) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(foldr (λ (i n) (+ (item-length i) n)) 0 c) (cond [(empty? c) 0] [(cons? c) (+ (item-length (first c)) (content-length (rest c)))])) ;; item-length : Item -> Number ;; Sum length of all textual items in item (check-expect (item-length "hi") 2) (check-expect (item-length P-HI) 2) (define (item-length i) (cond [(string? i) (string-length i)] [(elem? i) (elem-length i)])) ;; elem-length : Element -> Number ;; Sum length of all textual items in element (check-expect (elem-length P-HI) 2) (define (elem-length e) (content-length (elem-content e))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 5: content-contains-elem? ;; p? : Element -> Boolean ;; Is the element tagged with "p"? (define (p? e) (string=? "p" (elem-tag e))) ;; content-contains-elem? : Content (Element -> Boolean) -> Boolean ;; Does the content contain an element satisfying pred? (check-expect (content-contains-elem? '() p?) #false) (check-expect (content-contains-elem? (list P-HI) p?) #true) (define (content-contains-elem? c pred) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(ormap (λ (i) (item-contains-elem? i pred)) c) (cond [(empty? c) #false] [(cons? c) (or (item-contains-elem? (first c) pred) (content-contains-elem? (rest c) pred))])) ;; item-contains-elem? : Item (Element -> Boolean) -> Boolean ;; Does the item contain an element satisfying pred? (check-expect (item-contains-elem? "hi" p?) #false) (check-expect (item-contains-elem? P-HI p?) #true) (define (item-contains-elem? i pred) (cond [(string? i) #false] [(elem? i) (elem-contains-elem? i pred)])) ;; elem-contains-elem? : Element (Element -> Boolean) -> Boolean ;; Does the element contain an element satisfying pred? (check-expect (elem-contains-elem? P-HI p?) #true) (check-expect (elem-contains-elem? I-HI p?) #false) (check-expect (elem-contains-elem? IP-HI p?) #true) (define (elem-contains-elem? e pred) (or (pred e) (content-contains-elem? (elem-content e) pred))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 6: content-retag ;; content-retag : Content Tag Tag -> Content ;; Change tag of any element named t1 to t2 in content (check-expect (content-retag '() "p" "i") '()) (check-expect (content-retag (list P-HI) "p" "i") (list (make-elem "i" (list "hi")))) (define (content-retag c t1 t2) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(map (λ (i) (item-retag i t1 t2)) c) (cond [(empty? c) '()] [(cons? c) (cons (item-retag (first c) t1 t2) (content-retag (rest c) t1 t2))])) ;; item-retag : Item Tag Tag -> Item ;; Change tag of any element named t1 to t2 in item (check-expect (item-retag "hi" "p" "i") "hi") (check-expect (item-retag P-HI "p" "i") (make-elem "i" (list "hi"))) (define (item-retag i t1 t2) (cond [(string? i) i] [(elem? i) (elem-retag i t1 t2)])) ;; elem-retag : Element Tag Tag -> Element ;; Change tag of any element named t1 to t2 in element (check-expect (item-retag P-HI "p" "i") I-HI) (check-expect (item-retag B-HI "p" "i") B-HI) (check-expect (item-retag IP-HI "p" "i") II-HI) (define (elem-retag e t1 t2) (make-elem (if (string=? t1 (elem-tag e)) t2 (elem-tag e)) (content-retag (elem-content e) t1 t2))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 7: content-max-nesting ;; content-max-nesting : Content -> Number ;; Compute the max nesting level of elements in the content (check-expect (content-max-nesting '()) 0) (check-expect (content-max-nesting (list "hi")) 0) (check-expect (content-max-nesting (list P-HI P-HI)) 1) (check-expect (content-max-nesting (list IP-HI)) 2) (define (content-max-nesting c) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(foldr (λ (i n) (max (item-max-nesting i) n)) 0 c) (cond [(empty? c) 0] [(cons? c) (max (item-max-nesting (first c)) (content-max-nesting (rest c)))])) ;; item-max-nesting : Item -> Number ;; Compute the max nesting level of elements in the item (check-expect (item-max-nesting "hi") 0) (check-expect (item-max-nesting P-HI) 1) (check-expect (item-max-nesting IP-HI) 2) (define (item-max-nesting i) (cond [(string? i) 0] [(elem? i) (elem-max-nesting i)])) ;; elem-max-nesting : Element -> Number ;; Compute the max nesting level of elements in the element (check-expect (elem-max-nesting P-HI) 1) (check-expect (elem-max-nesting IP-HI) 2) (define (elem-max-nesting e) (add1 (content-max-nesting (elem-content e)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 8: content-text ;; content-text : Content -> [Listof String] ;; Produce a list of all text items in the content (check-expect (content-text '()) '()) (check-expect (content-text (list "hi")) (list "hi")) (check-expect (content-text (list P-HI)) (list "hi")) (define (content-text c) ;; Alt w/abs: #;(foldr (λ (i los) (append (item-text i) los)) '() c) (cond [(empty? c) '()] [(cons? c) (append (item-text (first c)) (content-text (rest c)))])) ;; item-text : Item -> [Listof String] ;; Produce a list of all text items in the item (check-expect (item-text "hi") (list "hi")) (check-expect (item-text P-HI) (list "hi")) (define (item-text i) (cond [(string? i) (list i)] [(elem? i) (elem-text i)])) ;; elem-text : Element -> [Listof String] ;; Produce a list of all text items in the text (check-expect (elem-text P-HI) (list "hi")) (define (elem-text e) (content-text (elem-content e))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exercise 9: content-skeleton ;; content-skeleton : Content -> Content ;; Produce a content like the given one with all text removed (check-expect (content-skeleton '()) '()) (check-expect (content-skeleton (list P-HI)) (list (make-elem "p" '()))) (check-expect (content-skeleton (list P-HI)) (list (make-elem "p" '()))) (define (content-skeleton c) ;; Alt w/abs #;(foldr (λ (i c) (append (item-skeletons i) c)) '() c) (cond [(empty? c) '()] [(cons? c) (append (item-skeletons (first c)) (content-skeleton (rest c)))])) ;; item-skeletons : Item -> [List Element] ;; Remove text from item producing either '() or a list with one element (check-expect (item-skeletons "hi") '()) (check-expect (item-skeletons P-HI) (list (make-elem "p" '()))) (define (item-skeletons i) (cond [(string? i) '()] [(elem? i) (list (elem-skeleton i))])) ;; elem-skeleton : Element -> Element ;; Produce an element like the given one with all text removed (check-expect (elem-skeleton P-HI) (make-elem "p" '())) (define (elem-skeleton e) (make-elem (elem-tag e) (content-skeleton (elem-content e)))) (check-expect (content-skeleton eg1) (list (make-elem "h1" '()) (make-elem "p" (list (make-elem "b" '()) (make-elem "tt" '()))) (make-elem "p" (list (make-elem "i" '()) (make-elem "b" '())))))