CMSC 389E:
Digital Logic Design Through Minecraft

  • Fall 2020
  • Instructors: Akilesh Praveen, Ashwath Krishnan
  • F 11:00-11:50 via Discord

Announcements and Q/A will happen via Discord. Projects will be submitted/graded through the UMD CS submit server. Grading will be handled through ELMS. Recommended readings will come mostly from the free online course textbook, with the entire book linked in the navbar above, and specific readings linked in the 'Resources and Reading' column for each week.

Each week, students are expected to attend lecture and read the posted instructions document and complete the outlined tasks. Relevant materials are included in the 'lecture', 'project', and 'resources' columns.

Week Instructions Lecture Project Resources & Reading
1 Week 1: Welcome to 389E! pdf Introduction & Logistics slides webcast Tutorial Island pdf Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
  • Introduction c1
  • Minecraft c1.1
  • World Creation & Controls c1.2
  • Redstone c1.3

Setup/Installation link
2 Week 2: Logic Gates & Boolean Logic pdf Logic Gates & Boolean Logic slides webcast ALU: Logic Gates pdf Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
  • Logic Gates c2
  • NOT- the Inverter c2.1
  • AND and NAND c2.2
  • OR and NOR c2.3
  • XOR - the 'Exclusive' OR c2.4
  • Logical Complements c2.5
  • The Importance of NAND c2.6
3 Week 3: Adders, Encoders & Decoders pdf Adders, Encoders, Decoders slides webcast ALU: Adders pdf Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
  • Addition & Base Conversion c3
  • Half-Adders c3.1
  • Full Adders c3.2
  • Decoders c3.3
  • Encoders c3.4
  • Use Case: Calculator c3.5
4 Week 4: Multipliers & Iterative Algorithms pdf Multipliers & Iterative Algorithms slides webcast ALU: Multiplier pdf Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
5 Week 5: Multiplexers & Demultiplexers pdf Multiplexers & Demultiplexers slides webcast Finish the ALU pdf Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
6 Week 6: Read Only Memory & Midterm Review pdf Read Only Memory slides webcast Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
7 Week 7: MIDTERM EXAM No Class Play Minecraft!
8 Week 8: Sequential Programming, Latches, & Flip-Flops pdf Sequential Programming, Latches, & Flip-Flops slides webcast Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
9 Week 9: Continuing Flip Flops, & some information on Clocks pdf Sequential Programming, Latches, & Flip-Flops slides webcast Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
10 Week 10: ROM and 389E Assembly! pdf ROM & Assembly slides webcast Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft:
11 Week 11: RAM: Design & Implementation in Minecraft pdf RAM slides webcast Digital Logic & Comp Arch in Minecraft: