CMSC 420 Coverage in Fall 2021: 1. Notes on `Data Structures book: Exclude Chapter 2 and Sections 3.3, 6.3, and 6.4 Understand B-trees 2. Foundations book: introduction (pages 1-5 and 10), range trees pages 14-180, priority search trees (pages 19-270, 439-443), point quadtrees (pages 28-37), MX quadtrees (pages 38-42), PR quadtrees (pages 42-48), k-d trees (pages 48-61), PM quadtrees (pages 365-369), MX-CIF quadtrees (pages 466-469), incremental nearest neighbor algorithm (pages 490-507). 3. Slides: Hierarchical representations of rectangle data (especially the ones on R-trees). Note that slides exist on the class home page for all of the lectures. In fact, there are many more slides than we could cover. Reviewing the slides that we covered in class is probably the best preparation for the final.