(** * IndPrinciples: Induction Principles *) (** With the Curry-Howard correspondence and its realization in Coq in mind, we can now take a deeper look at induction principles. *) Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing,-deprecated-hint-without-locality". From LF Require Export ProofObjects. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Basics *) (** The automatically generated _induction principle_ for [nat]: *) Check nat_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : nat, P n. (** In English: Suppose [P] is a property of natural numbers (that is, [P n] is a [Prop] for every [n]). To show that [P n] holds of all [n], it suffices to show: - [P] holds of [0] - for any [n], if [P] holds of [n], then [P] holds of [S n]. *) (** We can directly use the induction principle with [apply]: *) Theorem mul_0_r' : forall n:nat, n * 0 = 0. Proof. apply nat_ind. - (* n = O *) reflexivity. - (* n = S n' *) simpl. intros n' IHn'. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. (** Why the [induction] tactic is nicer than [apply]: - [apply] requires extra manual bookkeeping (the [intros] in the inductive case) - [apply] requires [n] to be left universally quantified - [apply] requires us to manually specify the name of the induction principle. *) (** Coq generates induction principles for every datatype defined with [Inductive], including those that aren't recursive. *) (** If we define type [t] with constructors [c1] ... [cn], Coq generates: t_ind : forall P : t -> Prop, ... case for c1 ... -> ... case for c2 ... -> ... ... case for cn ... -> forall n : t, P n The specific shape of each case depends on the arguments to the corresponding constructor. *) (** An example with no constructor arguments: *) Inductive time : Type := | day | night. Check time_ind : forall P : time -> Prop, P day -> P night -> forall t : time, P t. (** An example with constructor arguments: *) Inductive natlist : Type := | nnil | ncons (n : nat) (l : natlist). Check natlist_ind : forall P : natlist -> Prop, P nnil -> (forall (n : nat) (l : natlist), P l -> P (ncons n l)) -> forall l : natlist, P l. (** In general, the automatically generated induction principle for inductive type [t] is formed as follows: - Each constructor [c] generates one case of the principle. - If [c] takes no arguments, that case is: "P holds of c" - If [c] takes arguments [x1:a1] ... [xn:an], that case is: "For all x1:a1 ... xn:an, if [P] holds of each of the arguments of type [t], then [P] holds of [c x1 ... xn]" But that oversimplifies a little. An assumption about [P] holding of an argument [x] of type [t] actually occurs immediately after the quantification of [x]. *) (** For example, suppose we had written the definition of [natlist] a little differently: *) Inductive natlist' : Type := | nnil' | nsnoc (l : natlist') (n : nat). (** Now the induction principle case for [nsnoc1] is a bit different than the earlier case for [ncons]: *) Check natlist'_ind : forall P : natlist' -> Prop, P nnil' -> (forall l : natlist', P l -> forall n : nat, P (nsnoc l n)) -> forall n : natlist', P n. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Induction Principles for Propositions *) (** Inductive definitions of propositions also cause Coq to generate induction priniciples. For example, recall our proposition [ev] from [IndProp]: *) Print ev. (* ===> Inductive ev : nat -> Prop := | ev_0 : ev 0 | ev_SS : forall n : nat, ev n -> ev (S (S n))) *) Check ev_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 -> (forall n : nat, ev n -> P n -> P (S (S n))) -> forall n : nat, ev n -> P n. (** In English, [ev_ind] says: Suppose [P] is a property of natural numbers. To show that [P n] holds whenever [n] is even, it suffices to show: - [P] holds for [0], - for any [n], if [n] is even and [P] holds for [n], then [P] holds for [S (S n)]. *) (** The precise form of an [Inductive] definition can affect the induction principle Coq generates. *) Inductive le1 : nat -> nat -> Prop := | le1_n : forall n, le1 n n | le1_S : forall n m, (le1 n m) -> (le1 n (S m)). Notation "m <=1 n" := (le1 m n) (at level 70). (** [n] could instead be a parameter: *) Inductive le2 (n:nat) : nat -> Prop := | le2_n : le2 n n | le2_S m (H : le2 n m) : le2 n (S m). Notation "m <=2 n" := (le2 m n) (at level 70). Check le1_ind : forall P : nat -> nat -> Prop, (forall n : nat, P n n) -> (forall n m : nat, n <=1 m -> P n m -> P n (S m)) -> forall n n0 : nat, n <=1 n0 -> P n n0. Check le2_ind : forall (n : nat) (P : nat -> Prop), P n -> (forall m : nat, n <=2 m -> P m -> P (S m)) -> forall n0 : nat, n <=2 n0 -> P n0. (** The latter is simpler, and corresponds to Coq's own definition. *) (* ################################################################# *) (** * Explicit Proof Objects for Induction (Optional) *) (** Recall again the induction principle on naturals that Coq generates for us automatically from the Inductive declaration for [nat]. *) Check nat_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : nat, P n. (** There's nothing magic about this induction lemma: it's just another Coq lemma that requires a proof. Coq generates the proof automatically too... *) Print nat_ind. (** We can rewrite that more tidily as follows: *) Fixpoint build_proof (P : nat -> Prop) (evPO : P 0) (evPS : forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) (n : nat) : P n := match n with | 0 => evPO | S k => evPS k (build_proof P evPO evPS k) end. Definition nat_ind_tidy := build_proof. (** Recursive function [build_proof] thus pattern matches against [n], recursing all the way down to 0, and building up a proof as it returns. *) (** We can also define _non-standard_ induction principles in this style. Recall this troublesome thoerem: *) Lemma even_ev : forall n: nat, even n = true -> ev n. Proof. induction n; intros. - apply ev_0. - destruct n. + simpl in H. inversion H. + simpl in H. apply ev_SS. Abort. (** Attempts to prove this by standard induction on [n] fail in the case for [S (S n)], because the induction hypothesis only tells us something about [S n], which is useless. There are various ways to hack around this problem; for example, we _can_ use ordinary induction on [n] to prove this (try it!): [Lemma even_ev' : forall n : nat, (even n = true -> ev n) /\ (even (S n) = true -> ev (S n))]. But we can make a much better proof by defining and proving a non-standard induction principle that goes "by twos": *) Definition nat_ind2 : forall (P : nat -> Prop), P 0 -> P 1 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S(S n))) -> forall n : nat , P n := fun P => fun P0 => fun P1 => fun PSS => fix f (n:nat) := match n with 0 => P0 | 1 => P1 | S (S n') => PSS n' (f n') end. (** Once you get the hang of it, it is entirely straightforward to give an explicit proof term for induction principles like this. Proving this as a lemma using tactics is much less intuitive. The [induction ... using] tactic variant gives a convenient way to utilize a non-standard induction principle like this. *) Lemma even_ev : forall n, even n = true -> ev n. Proof. intros. induction n as [ | |n'] using nat_ind2. - apply ev_0. - simpl in H. inversion H. - simpl in H. apply ev_SS. apply IHn'. apply H. Qed.