(** * Poly: Polymorphism and Higher-Order Functions *) (* Suppress some annoying warnings from Coq: *) Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing,-deprecated-hint-without-locality". From LF Require Export Lists. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Polymorphic Lists *) (** Instead of defining new lists for each type, like this... *) Inductive boollist : Type := | bool_nil | bool_cons (b : bool) (l : boollist). (** ...Coq lets us give a _polymorphic_ definition that allows list elements of any type: *) Inductive list (X:Type) : Type := | nil | cons (x : X) (l : list X). (** [list] itself is a _function_ from types to (inductively defined) types. *) Check list : Type -> Type. (** The [X] in the definition of [list] becomes a parameter to the list constructors [nil] and [cons]. *) Check (nil nat) : list nat. Check (cons nat 3 (nil nat)) : list nat. Check nil : forall X : Type, list X. Check cons : forall X : Type, X -> list X -> list X. (** Side note: In .v files, the "forall" quantifier is spelled out in letters. In the corresponding HTML files, it is usually typeset as the standard mathematical "upside down A." *) Check (cons nat 2 (cons nat 1 (nil nat))) : list nat. (** We can now define polymorphic versions of the functions we've already seen... *) Fixpoint repeat (X : Type) (x : X) (count : nat) : list X := match count with | 0 => nil X | S count' => cons X x (repeat X x count') end. Example test_repeat1 : repeat nat 4 2 = cons nat 4 (cons nat 4 (nil nat)). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_repeat2 : repeat bool false 1 = cons bool false (nil bool). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ Recall the types of [cons] and [nil]: nil : forall X : Type, list X cons : forall X : Type, X -> list X -> list X What is the type of [cons bool true (cons nat 3 (nil nat))]? (1) [nat -> list nat -> list nat] (2) [forall (X:Type), X -> list X -> list X] (3) [list nat] (4) [list bool] (5) Ill-typed *) (* QUIZ Recall the definition of [repeat]: Fixpoint repeat (X : Type) (x : X) (count : nat) : list X := match count with | 0 => nil X | S count' => cons X x (repeat X x count') end. What is the type of [repeat]? (1) [nat -> nat -> list nat] (2) [X -> nat -> list X] (3) [forall (X Y: Type), X -> nat -> list Y] (4) [forall (X:Type), X -> nat -> list X] (5) Ill-typed *) (* QUIZ What is the type of [repeat nat 1 2]? (1) [list nat] (2) [forall (X:Type), X -> nat -> list X] (3) [list bool] (4) Ill-typed *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Type Annotation Inference *) (** Let's write the definition of [repeat] again, but this time we won't specify the types of any of the arguments. Will Coq still accept it? *) Fixpoint repeat' X x count : list X := match count with | 0 => nil X | S count' => cons X x (repeat' X x count') end. (** Indeed it will. Let's see what type Coq has assigned to [repeat']: *) Check repeat' : forall X : Type, X -> nat -> list X. Check repeat : forall X : Type, X -> nat -> list X. (** Coq has used _type inference_ to deduce the proper types for [X], [x], and [count]. *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Type Argument Synthesis *) (** Supplying every type _argument_ is also boring, but Coq can usually infer them: *) Fixpoint repeat'' X x count : list X := match count with | 0 => nil _ | S count' => cons _ x (repeat'' _ x count') end. Definition list123' := cons _ 1 (cons _ 2 (cons _ 3 (nil _))). (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Implicit Arguments *) (** In fact, we can go further and even avoid writing [_]'s in most cases by telling Coq _always_ to infer the type argument(s) of a given function. The [Arguments] directive specifies the name of the function (or constructor) and then lists the (leading) argument names to be treated as implicit, each surrounded by curly braces. *) Arguments nil {X}. Arguments cons {X}. Arguments repeat {X}. (** Now we don't have to supply type arguments at all: *) Definition list123'' := cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)). (** Alternatively, we can declare arguments implicit by surrounding them with curly braces instead of parens: *) Fixpoint repeat''' {X : Type} (x : X) (count : nat) : list X := match count with | 0 => nil | S count' => cons x (repeat''' x count') end. (** Here are polymorphic versions of a few more functions that we'll need later: *) Fixpoint app {X : Type} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X := match l1 with | nil => l2 | cons h t => cons h (app t l2) end. Fixpoint rev {X:Type} (l:list X) : list X := match l with | nil => nil | cons h t => app (rev t) (cons h nil) end. Fixpoint length {X : Type} (l : list X) : nat := match l with | nil => 0 | cons _ l' => S (length l') end. Example test_rev1 : rev (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) = (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_rev2: rev (cons true nil) = cons true nil. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_length1: length (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) = 3. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Supplying Type Arguments Explicitly *) (** In general, it's fine to just let Coq infer all type arguments. But occasionally this can lead to problems: *) Fail Definition mynil := nil. (** We can fix this with an explicit type declaration: *) Definition mynil : list nat := nil. (** Alternatively, we can force the implicit arguments to be explicit by prefixing the function name with [@]. *) Check @nil : forall X : Type, list X. Definition mynil' := @nil nat. (** Using argument synthesis and implicit arguments, we can define concrete notations that work for lists of any type. *) Notation "x :: y" := (cons x y) (at level 60, right associativity). Notation "[ ]" := nil. Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y []) ..). Notation "x ++ y" := (app x y) (at level 60, right associativity). Definition list123''' := [1; 2; 3]. (* QUIZ Which type does Coq assign to the following expression? (The square brackets here and in the following quizzes are list brackets, not "this is a Coq expression inside a comment" brackets.) [1,2,3] (1) [list nat] (2) [list bool] (3) [bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ What about this one? [3 + 4] ++ nil (1) [list nat] (2) [list bool] (3) [bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ What about this one? andb true false ++ nil (1) [list nat] (2) [list bool] (3) [bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ What about this one? [1; nil] (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ What about this one? [[1]; nil] (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ And what about this one? [1] :: [nil] (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ This one? @nil bool (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ This one? nil bool (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* QUIZ This one? @nil 3 (1) [list nat] (2) [list (list nat)] (3) [list bool] (4) No type can be assigned *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** *** Exercises *) (** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (poly_exercises) Here are a few simple exercises, just like ones in the [Lists] chapter, for practice with polymorphism. Complete the proofs below. *) Theorem app_nil_r : forall (X:Type), forall l:list X, l ++ [] = l. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Theorem app_assoc : forall A (l m n:list A), l ++ m ++ n = (l ++ m) ++ n. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Lemma app_length : forall (X:Type) (l1 l2 : list X), length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** [] *) (** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (more_poly_exercises) Here are some slightly more interesting ones... *) Theorem rev_app_distr: forall X (l1 l2 : list X), rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Theorem rev_involutive : forall X : Type, forall l : list X, rev (rev l) = l. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** [] *) (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Polymorphic Pairs *) (** Similarly... *) Inductive prod (X Y : Type) : Type := | pair (x : X) (y : Y). Arguments pair {X} {Y}. Notation "( x , y )" := (pair x y). (** We can also use the [Notation] mechanism to define the standard notation for product _types_: *) Notation "X * Y" := (prod X Y) : type_scope. (** (The annotation [: type_scope] tells Coq that this abbreviation should only be used when parsing types, not when parsing expressions. This avoids a clash with the multiplication symbol.) *) (** Be careful not to get [(X,Y)] and [X*Y] confused! *) Definition fst {X Y : Type} (p : X * Y) : X := match p with | (x, y) => x end. Definition snd {X Y : Type} (p : X * Y) : Y := match p with | (x, y) => y end. (** What does this function do? *) Fixpoint combine {X Y : Type} (lx : list X) (ly : list Y) : list (X*Y) := match lx, ly with | [], _ => [] | _, [] => [] | x :: tx, y :: ty => (x, y) :: (combine tx ty) end. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Polymorphic Options *) Module OptionPlayground. Inductive option (X:Type) : Type := | Some (x : X) | None. Arguments Some {X}. Arguments None {X}. End OptionPlayground. Fixpoint nth_error {X : Type} (l : list X) (n : nat) : option X := match l with | nil => None | a :: l' => match n with | O => Some a | S n' => nth_error l' n' end end. Example test_nth_error1 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 0 = Some 4. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_nth_error2 : nth_error [[1];[2]] 1 = Some [2]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_nth_error3 : nth_error [true] 2 = None. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Functions as Data *) (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Higher-Order Functions *) (** Functions in Coq are _first class_. *) Definition doit3times {X : Type} (f : X->X) (n : X) : X := f (f (f n)). Check @doit3times : forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> X -> X. Example test_doit3times: doit3times minustwo 9 = 3. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_doit3times': doit3times negb true = false. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Filter *) Fixpoint filter {X:Type} (test: X->bool) (l:list X) : list X := match l with | [] => [] | h :: t => if test h then h :: (filter test t) else filter test t end. Example test_filter1: filter even [1;2;3;4] = [2;4]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition length_is_1 {X : Type} (l : list X) : bool := (length l) =? 1. Example test_filter2: filter length_is_1 [ [1; 2]; [3]; [4]; [5;6;7]; []; [8] ] = [ [3]; [4]; [8] ]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** The [filter] function (especially when combined with some other functions we'll see later) enables a powerful _collection-oriented_ programming style. *) Definition countoddmembers' (l:list nat) : nat := length (filter odd l). Example test_countoddmembers'1: countoddmembers' [1;0;3;1;4;5] = 4. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_countoddmembers'2: countoddmembers' [0;2;4] = 0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_countoddmembers'3: countoddmembers' nil = 0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Anonymous Functions *) (** Functions can be constructed "on the fly" without giving them names. *) Example test_anon_fun': doit3times (fun n => n * n) 2 = 256. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** The expression [(fun n => n * n)] can be read as "the function that, given a number [n], yields [n * n]." *) Example test_filter2': filter (fun l => (length l) =? 1) [ [1; 2]; [3]; [4]; [5;6;7]; []; [8] ] = [ [3]; [4]; [8] ]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Map *) Fixpoint map {X Y : Type} (f : X->Y) (l : list X) : list Y := match l with | [] => [] | h :: t => (f h) :: (map f t) end. Example test_map1: map (fun x => plus 3 x) [2;0;2] = [5;3;5]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_map2: map odd [2;1;2;5] = [false;true;false;true]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_map3: map (fun n => [even n;odd n]) [2;1;2;5] = [[true;false];[false;true];[true;false];[false;true]]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ Recall the definition of [map]: Fixpoint map {X Y : Type} (f : X->Y) (l : list X) : list Y := match l with | [] => [] | h :: t => (f h) :: (map f t) end. What is the type of [map]? (1) [forall X Y : Type, X -> Y -> list X -> list Y] (2) [X -> Y -> list X -> list Y] (3) [forall X Y : Type, (X -> Y) -> list X -> list Y] (4) [forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> list X -> list X] *) (** Lists are not the only inductive type for which [map] makes sense. Here is a [map] for the [option] type: *) Definition option_map {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (xo : option X) : option Y := match xo with | None => None | Some x => Some (f x) end. (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Fold *) Fixpoint fold {X Y: Type} (f : X->Y->Y) (l : list X) (b : Y) : Y := match l with | nil => b | h :: t => f h (fold f t b) end. (** This is the "reduce" in map/reduce... *) Check (fold andb) : list bool -> bool -> bool. Example fold_example1 : fold mult [1;2;3;4] 1 = 24. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example fold_example2 : fold andb [true;true;false;true] true = false. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example fold_example3 : fold app [[1];[];[2;3];[4]] [] = [1;2;3;4]. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* QUIZ Here is the definition of [fold] again: Fixpoint fold {X Y : Type} (f : X->Y->Y) (l : list X) (b : Y) : Y := match l with | nil => b | h :: t => f h (fold f t b) end. What is the type of [fold]? (1) [forall X Y : Type, (X -> Y -> Y) -> list X -> Y -> Y] (2) [X -> Y -> (X -> Y -> Y) -> list X -> Y -> Y] (3) [forall X Y : Type, X -> Y -> Y -> list X -> Y -> Y] (4) [X -> Y -> X -> Y -> Y -> list X -> Y -> Y] *) (* QUIZ What is the type of [fold plus]? (1) [forall X Y : Type, list X -> Y -> Y] (2) [nat -> nat -> list nat -> nat -> nat] (3) [forall Y : Type, list nat -> Y -> nat] (4) [list nat -> nat -> nat] (5) [forall X Y : Type, list nat -> nat -> nat] *) (* QUIZ What does [fold plus [1;2;3;4] 0] simplify to? (1) [[1;2;3;4]] (2) [0] (3) [10] (4) [[3;7;0]] *) (* ================================================================= *) (** ** Functions That Construct Functions *) (** Here are two more functions that _return_ functions as results. *) Definition constfun {X: Type} (x: X) : nat -> X := fun (k:nat) => x. Definition ftrue := constfun true. Example constfun_example1 : ftrue 0 = true. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example constfun_example2 : (constfun 5) 99 = 5. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** A two-argument function in Coq is actually a function that returns a function! *) Check plus : nat -> nat -> nat. Definition plus3 := plus 3. Check plus3 : nat -> nat. Example test_plus3 : plus3 4 = 7. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_plus3' : doit3times plus3 0 = 9. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Example test_plus3'' : doit3times (plus 3) 0 = 9. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.