Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Tail Recursion



Recall Higher Order Functions

map (fun x -> x + 3) [1;2;3;4];;

Functions were treated like data and passed in

If funtions are data, we can also return them

let add3 x = x + 3 in
let sub3 x = x - 3 in 
let lst = [add3;sub3] in
match lst with 
[]->(fun x -> x * 3)
|h::_-> h;;

Recall anonymous syntactic sugar

let add3 x = x + 3;;
let add3 = (fun x -> x + 3);;

This works for multi-argument functions

let sum x y = x + y;;
let sum x = fun y -> x + y;;
let sum = fun x -> fun y -> x + y;;

This works for multi-argument functions

let sum x y = x + y;;
let sum x = fun y -> x + y;;
let sum = fun x -> fun y -> x + y;;

function now becomes: one input -> one output

Currying: process of converting a multi-argument function into a series of functions that each take one input

Currying: process of converting a multi-argument function into a series of functions that each take one input


  • Avoid Repetition/Reusability
  • Break Functions Down
  • Some languages or functions only accept functions that take in one argument
  • Avoid Repetition/Reusability

let concat x y = x ^ y;;
concat "Hello " "world";;
concat "Hello " "earth";;

concat "Bye " "world";;
concat "Bye " "earth";;

let hello = concat "Hello ";;
let bye = concat "Bye ";;
hello "world"
hello "earth"

bye "world"
bye "earth"

Break Functions Down

let f x y z = (x + y) * z);;
f 3 4 6;;
let add = f 3 in 
let mult = add 4 in 
mult 6;;

Ultimately called a partial application

Some languages or functions only functions that take in one argument

let f x = (fun y -> x + y);;
let g = map f [1;2;3;4;5];;
map (fun h -> h 5) g;;

Technically this works either way in OCaml

Currying built in to OCaml How?


Remember everything is data in memory

let add x y = x + y;;
add 3 4;;
(* x and y are "local variables" *)
(* stored in a stack frame *)

Slight Issue

let partial = add 3;;

Where is 3 stored?

Closure: a tuple of an environment and a function (f,env)

Environment: mapping from variables to values

Evaluated at creation and immutable

let z = 4;;
let add x y = x + y;;
let g = add z;;
let z = 5;;
g 1;;

Tail Recursion

Recall this fib function

(* *)
let rec fib n = 
if n < 2 then 1 else (fib (n-1)) - (fib (n-2));;
  • imperfect compiler: too many stack frames
  • Not tail Recursive

Let's fix this

(* *)
let rec fib n a b = 
if n = 0 then a else fib (n-1) (a+b) a;;

Let's fix this

(* *)
let rec fib n a b = 
if n = 0 then a else fib (n-1) (a+b) a;;

Tail Position: the last thing computed before a function returns

Tail Recursion: Having the recursive call be in tail position

(Depends on the context: only at top level)