The following is a basic description of one of the project options available this term.
The general phase 1 rules and hardware rules apply to whichever specific project option you choose.

Door Mounted Super-Message Board for Iribe Center
Imagine that you have an Internet-ready, door mounted, touchscreen, electronic message board on the door of every faculty and staff member in the the new Iribe Center. The form factor is likely a ten to twelve inch display, possibly with 1024x768 resolution (we have to buy a LOT of these). You need to design the software that will make it more than a somewhat expensive (at the scale we're talking) "shiny thing" on everyone's door.

  • You will need a message board "app" with which visitors to the door will interact. You will need to take some time and care designing the layout of this app. You may choose to have it act as a single window pane, or have it divided into several panes, each having different information. You can allow new panes to pop up, allow the user to zoom into panes or even areas of panes. It is up to you, but design with care and tell use what restrictions you are adding to the specification of the size of the message board.

  • You will need to create a client (preferably web-based so it can be accessed from Mac/PC/Mobile/etc) for the faculty and staff members to use in order to configure and interact with their message board, since we assume you are going to allow various customizations and person-specific information for anyone who chooses to use the board beyond and default way you provide. For example, the office occupant might want to send new information to the board and possibly retrieve information from the board if you have enabled visitors to somehow leave messages within the board.

    Minimum requirements
  • the message board has a touch screen
  • give information about whose office it is
  • what the office occupant's available hours are in general
  • what are today's hours are
  • have "current message" that can be updated remotely
  • it cannot have a keyboard or mouse or any other similar peripheral

    Some things to get you stated thinking about other uses (ask the potential users for more ideas, and realize some might say "I wouldn't use it for anything I didn't have to")
  • leave messages for faculty member?
  • limited access to the web?
  • what if there is more than one faculty member in the office?
  • are there security issues with which you wish to deal?
  • do you want to add other hardware to accomplish other things? (memory card or usb reader, Bluetooth, IR port, etc.)

    Your prototype needs to be populated with realistic information and needs to address questions such as faculty/staff setup, access, and usage as well as student privacy.

    This page may be updated with additional guidelines within the next few days...

  • Last updated: Tuesday, 12-Dec-2017 11:46:07 EST

    Web Accessibility