The following is a basic description of one of the project options available this term.
The general phase 1 rules and hardware rules apply to whichever specific project option you choose.

Citizen Event Archiver
You are designing a system to be utilized by members of community who want to work as a team to document an event in a particular way. The members of the team out at the event will do things such as Tweet about it or make Facebook posts or blog entries or Snapchat it, etc. (part of your task will be determining the ways in which people would want to document individual moments) with the intent that all of that content will then be pulled together and curated into a permanent and usable archive of the event. The people "in the field" will be using their smartphones and/or tablet devices, writing posts (snippets or stories) as well as taking photos and making short videos to help document the event. After the event, the team members (with one designated as head editor) will work to create the permanent archive on desktop computers. This means that your project as a whole will have two components to it (though the UI for the editor is likely going to be a lesser concern here, there is some room for interesting things there).

You will need to decide things such as whether your app allows for the photography and videorecording directly, or whether it will pull existing media from the device, as well as the possibility that people will want to send the same content to multiple social media channels (like a Facebook post and a Tweet of the same content) and might even want to do something like create a single entry that can then have different parts of it sent to different places (perhaps write a summary and a detailed post, have the summary go to Twitter and the detailed post to Facebook and the two together go to a blog).

You will need to talk to people who have experience with community events and/or documenting such events (even if unofficially). In many ways, this extends on the idea of a "citizen journalist" but in a more community-centered way. Basically, you need to find potential users and develop more solid information about how they might use this system in order to shape your project.

Your application might need to be able to make use of GPS data in some way (it is up to your team to discover useful applications of this data within your users' tasks). For the prototype, you would simulate this data (we can discuss this individually).

This page may be updated with additional guidelines within the next few days...

Last updated: Tuesday, 12-Dec-2017 11:46:07 EST

Web Accessibility