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CMSC 838M Spring 2017

Model Checking

Course Schedule


Below is a list of lecture topics by date, as well as midterm, exam and project-due dates. The schedule is provisional and subject to change. Materials for each lecture, including slides and source code, are also available.




Project Milestones

Th 01/26

Course intro


Tu 01/31

Propositional logic:  syntax and semantics


Th 02/02

Satisfiability checking (SAT solving)


Tu 02/07

The sequent calculus and proofs in propositional logic


Th 02/09

Kripke structures and propositional linear temporal logic (LTL)


Tu 02/14

Linear vs. branching time temporal logic:  LTL, CTL, and CTL*


Th 02/16

CTL model-checking via fixpoints


Tu 02/21

CTL model checking (cont.)


Th 02/23

CTL model checking and the nuSMV tool


Tu 02/28

LTL and Buechi automata


Th 03/02

LTL model checking via Buechi automata


Tu 03/07

LTL model checking and the SPIN tool


Th 03/09

Dealing with state explosion:  bisimulation and minimization

Project proposal due

Tu 03/14

Dealing with state explosion:  symbolic model checking


Th 03/16



Tu 03/21



Th 03/23



Tu 03/28

Dealing with state explosion:  abstraction


Th 03/30

Counter-example-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR)


Tu 04/04

Timed automata and real-time systems


Th 04/06

Model-checking timed automata via proof search

Project status report due

Tu 04/11

Proof search and constraints


Th 04/13

Predicate calculus:  syntax, semantics, sequent calculus


Tu 04/18

Satisfaction modulo theories (SMT) solving and quantifier elimination


Th 04/20

Timed automata model checking and the UPPAAL tool


Tu 04/25

Hybrid automata and cyber-physical systems


Th 04/27

Model checking hybrid automata


Tu 05/02

Project presentations


Th 05/04

Project presentations


Tu 05/09

Project presentations


Th 05/11

Project presentations


F 05/19

FINAL (10:30 am – 12:30 pm)



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