

For this project you will implement a webpage that allows the user to play the game Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer. The computer's moves are chosen randomly.

How to Play Rock-Paper-Scissors

This is a classic game that is over 2000 years old. Two players face each other. After saying out loud "Rock, Paper, Scissors", the players will simultanously hold out their hand showing one of the three gestures below:

Rock Paper Scissors

The rules are simple:


Here is a video that demonstrates what your webpage should look like and how it will work. Please note that this video has sound (I recorded myself talking) so be sure to have your sound on.

Below is a screenshot of the program, for your reference:


To begin this project, please download the following zip file. Unzip it. You will find a folder called p4, which contains the 9 images you see below. Be sure to put your proj4.html and proj4.css files into this same folder.



This project requires a significant amount of time. Please start working on the project early. Office hours get busy during the few days before the project is due, and you may not get the help you need if you wait too long. As always, we will not grant project extensions due to technical problems on your end.




To submit your project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a zip file called p4.zip that includes 11 files:
    • proj4.html
    • proj4.css
    • 9 jpg files (the images that were given to you)
  2. Upload the zip file using the submit server available at: https://submit.cs.umd.edu/. Make sure you select the submit server entry (Project #4) that corresponds to this project.
  3. After submitting your project, make sure you download from the submit server the submitted file and verify that what you have submitted is correct. Important: you must uncompress (extract) what you download from the submit server, otherwise it may not be rendered correctly. We will not accept projects sent via e-mail.

Academic Integrity

Please make sure you read the academic integrity section of the syllabus so you understand what is permissible in our projects. We want to remind you that we check your project against other students' projects and any case of academic dishonesty will be referred to the University's Office of Student Conduct.

Web Accessibility