On this page:
1 Cleaned-up Traversals and Iterators over Trees
2 Traversing In-order (LNR)
3 Traversing Post-order (LRN)

Assignment 7: Traversing Trees

This is assignment is to be completed and submitted with your new partner. You may not work with anyone other than your assigned partner.

Due: Wednesday, May 9, 11:59:59 PM EST.

1 Cleaned-up Traversals and Iterators over Trees

For this assignment, you will start from a cleaned-up version (Assign7.zip) of the pre-order binary tree traversal code that we wrote in class.

The main idea in this code is to implement an Iterator for trees that delivers elements of a tree according to a pre-order (NLR) traversal.

To tackle this problem, we developed a (functional) interface for traversing binary trees (this is slightly tweaked from what we saw in class):

interface TreeTraversal<X> {

    // Advance the traversal (if possible)

    TreeTraversal<X> next();


    // Get the current element in this traversal (if there is one)

    X get();


    // Is there a current element in this traversal?

    Boolean has();


To implement a TreeTraversal we fundamentally need two kinds of traversals: one for traversing an empty tree (a leaf) and one for traversing a node.

The leaf iterator is totally easy:

class LeafTraversal<X> implements TreeTraversal<X> {

    public TreeTraversal<X> next() {

        throw new RuntimeException("no more elements");



    public X get() {

        throw new RuntimeException("no element");



    public Boolean has() {

        return false;



To node iterator is more involved, but here we can offload all of the hard work to a TreeVisitor that computes the next state of the traversal based on the current node:

class NLR<X> implements TreeTraversal<X> {

    Node<X> node;

    Listof<Node<X>> context;


    NLR(Node<X> node) {

        this(node, new Empty<>());



    NLR(Node<X> node, Listof<Node<X>> context) {

        this.node = node;

        this.context = context;



    public TreeTraversal<X> next() {

        return this.node.accept(new NLRNext<>(this.context));



    public X get() {

        return this.node.value;



    public Boolean has() {

        return true;



Now the whole problem has boiled down to the NLRNext visitor, which visits a node and produces the next TreeTraversal based on that node and the current context.

Computing what the next TreeTraversal should be boils down to a case analysis on both children of the node. Here is the complete set of cases to consider:

In order to write code that does this kind of case analysis on the children of a node bearable to read and maintain, I made an interface for such computations:

// Interface for any computation over a Node

// that needs to do case analysis on both subtrees

interface NodeChildVisitor<X, R> {

    // Both are leafs

    R visitLeafLeaf();


    // Left is a leaf, right is node

    R visitLeafNode(Node<X> right);


    // Left is a node, right is a leaf

    R visitNodeLeaf(Node<X> left);


    // Both are nodes

    R visitNodeNode(Node<X> left, Node<X> right);


We can translate the above case analysis into an implementation:

// Visit a node to advance to the next traversal

class NLRNext<X> implements NodeChildVisitor<X, TreeTraversal<X>> {

    Listof<Node<X>> context;


    NLRNext(Listof<Node<X>> context) {

        this.context = context;



    // Both are leafs:

    // look to the context

    public TreeTraversal<X> visitLeafLeaf() {

        return this.context.accept(new ListVisitor<Node<X>, TreeTraversal<X>>() {

            public TreeTraversal<X> visitEmpty(Empty<Node<X>> empty) {

                return new LeafTraversal<>();



            public TreeTraversal<X> visitCons(Cons<Node<X>> cons) {

                return new NLR<>(cons.first, cons.rest);





    // Left is a leaf, right is node:

    // right becomes focus, context unchanged

    public TreeTraversal<X> visitLeafNode(Node<X> right) {

        return new NLR<>(right, this.context);



    // Left is a node, right is a leaf:

    // left becomes focus, context unchanged

    public TreeTraversal<X> visitNodeLeaf(Node<X> left) {

        return new NLR<>(left, this.context);



    // Both are nodes:

    // left becomes focus, right added to context

    public TreeTraversal<X> visitNodeNode(Node<X> left, Node<X> right) {

        return new NLR<>(left, new Cons<>(right, this.context));



At this point, we’ve done the hard stuff, but some plumbing remains. In particular, we have a NodeChildVisitor for computing the next traversal, but what we actually need is a TreeVisitor (go back and look at the next method in NLR). But a NodeChildVisitor can be transformed to behave as thought it is a TreeVisitor. To do this, we make the following changes:

This set-up has the nice property that any NodeChildVisitor can be used as a TreeVisitor, and that awful nesting of anonymous inner-classes that we wrote in lecture in order to the case analysis on children of a node can be written generically and just once.

You can read the ANodeChildVisitor code if you’d like, but you won’t need to change it or write code like it. If you need to do case analysis on the children of a node, simply extend the class and implement the four methods of the NodeChildVisitor interface like we did for NLRNext.

Be sure to look at the test suite for examples of how all this stuff works.

2 Traversing In-order (LNR)

Following the pattern of MakeNLR<X>, which implements TreeVisitor<X, TreeTraversal<X>>, design a class MakeLNR<X> that implements TreeVisitor<X, TreeTraversal<X>>. It’s purpose is to visit a tree and construct an in-order traversal of the elements of the tree.

In-order means that for a node, all the elements of the left subtree are traversed, then the element, the all the elements of the right. (Unlike NLR, which went node, left, right.)

For full credit, each of the operations (including the construction of the traversal) should have a cost bounded by the height of the tree. For partial credit, implement the traversal but ignore this requirement.

The change compared to NLR will be in the representation of the context and writing a LNRNext visitor.

Hint: make examples on penci and paper to help guide you through what information will need to be represented. Spending a bit of time doing this will save you loads of time coding.

3 Traversing Post-order (LRN)

Following the pattern of MakeNLR<X>, which implements TreeVisitor<X, TreeTraversal<X>>, design a class MakeLRN<X> that implements TreeVisitor<X, TreeTraversal<X>>. It’s purpose is to visit a tree and construct an post-order traversal of the elements of the tree.

Post-order means that for a node, all the elements of the left subtree are traversed, all the all the elements of the right are traversed, then the element. (Unlike NLR, which went node, left, right.)

For full credit, each of the operations (including the construction of the traversal) should have a cost bounded by the height of the tree. For partial credit, implement the traversal but ignore this requirement.

The change compared to NLR will be in the representation of the context and writing a LRNNext visitor.

Hint: make examples on pencil and paper to help guide you through what information will need to be represented. Spending a bit of time doing this will save you loads of time coding.


Use submit.cs.umd.edu to submit your solution to the problems. You should create a zip file called Assign6.zip that contains the IntelliJ project containing your solutions.