Lecture 1: The Essence of Objects
Lecture 2: Unions of Objects
Lecture 3: Cancelled
Lecture 4: Classes of Objects:   Data Definitions
Lecture 5: Classes of Objects:   Interface Definitions
Lecture 6: Interface Design:   Independent and Extensible
Lecture 7: Parametric Interface Definitions and Methods
Lecture 8: Introducing Java:   Syntax and Semantics
Lecture 9: Union, Interfaces, and Lists in Java
Lecture 10: Testing in Java
Lecture 11: Parametric Interfaces in Java
Lecture 12: Computations on Many Structural Arguments:   Double Dispatch
Lecture 13: Parameterized Types and Double Dispatch; Abstracting Values
Lecture 14: Abstracting Computation with Function Objects
Lecture 15: Function Objects & Parameterized Types; Anonymous Classes & Lambda
Lecture 16: The Fundamental List Abstraction:   Fold
Lecture 17: University Closed:   Wind
Lecture 18: Midterm Review
Lecture 19: Properties of Equality:   Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive, and Total
Lecture 20: Structural Equality with Double Dispatch; Abstracting and Overridding
Lecture 21: More Double Dispatch
Lecture 22: Optional, Maps, Sets, and Lifting Default Code to Abstract Classes
Lecture 23: The Visitor Pattern
Lecture 24: Implementing Visitors; Bank Accounts
Lecture 25: Imperatives:   Implicit Communication via Side-Effects
Lecture 26: Aside:   List Exercises
Lecture 27: Imperatives:   Cyclic Data
Lecture 28: Imperatives:   Methods over Cylic Data
Lecture 29: BSTs, Maps, The Law of Hash  Code, and Comparable vs Comparators
Lecture 30: Random access and Array  Lists
Lecture 31: Implementing Hash Tables
Lecture 32: Resizing Hash Tables
Lecture 33: Simple Iterators
Lecture 34: List Iterators and Iterator Combinators
Lecture 35: List Iterators and Iterator Combinators
Lecture 36: Zippers
Lecture 37: Naive Tree Iterators
Lecture 38: Efficient Pre-Order Tree Iterators
Lecture 39: Drills
Lecture 40: Drill Solutions
Lecture 41: Wrap-up
On this page:
Alternating iterator
Reusing an iterator
Iterator +   Context = Zipper
Climbing a Tree

Lecture 36: Zippers

Alternating iterator

At the end of the previous lecture we were asked to consider an alternating iterator: Given two iterators, construct an iterator that will alternate between taking an element from each of the two. For example:

Iterator<Integer> l123 = AListof.make(3, n -> n+1).iterator();

Iterator<Integer> l456 = AListof.make(3, n -> n+4).iterator();

Iterable<Integer> alt = new Alt<>(l123, l456);

for (Integer i : alt) {



// Should print 1 4 2 5 3 6

The outline of the Java iterator looks like this:

public class Alt<X> implements Iterator<X>, Iterable<X> {

    Iterator<X> first;

    Iterator<X> second;


    Alt(Iterator<X> first, Iterator<X> second) {

        this.first = first;

        this.second = second;



    public boolean hasNext() {

        return false;



    public X next() {

        return null;



The first suggested solution involved a flag that indicates which iterator to get the next element from. Since there are two possible iterators, a Boolean field makes a suitable flag.

public class Alt<X> implements Iterator<X>, Iterable<X> {

    Iterator<X> first;

    Iterator<X> second;

    Boolean flag; // true => first, false => second


    Alt(Iterator<X> first, Iterator<X> second) {

        this.first = first;

        this.second = second;

        this.flag = true;



    public boolean hasNext() {

        return this.flag ? this.first.hasNext() : this.second.hasNext();



    public X next() {

        X tmp = this.flag ? this.first.next() : this.second.next();

        this.flag = !this.flag;

        return tmp;



There is another possible solution, and one which does not require any additional fields to be defined. By swapping the first and second iterators each time next is called, we can unconditionally pull elements out of the first iterator.

public class Alt<X> implements Iterator<X>, Iterable<X> {

    Iterator<X> first;

    Iterator<X> second;


    Alt(Iterator<X> first, Iterator<X> second) {

        this.first = first;

        this.second = second;



    public boolean hasNext() {

        return this.first.hasNext();



    public X next() {

        X next = this.first.next();

        Iterator<X> tmp = this.first;

        this.first = this.second;

        this.second = tmp;

        return next;



Reusing an iterator

With either implementation from the last section, our alternating iterator example functions as expected:

Iterator<Integer> l123 = AListof.make(3, n -> n+1).iterator();

Iterator<Integer> l456 = AListof.make(3, n -> n+4).iterator();

Iterable<Integer> alt = new Alt<>(l123, l456);

for (Integer i : alt) {



// Prints 1 4 2 5 3 6

But what happens if we try to get the next value out of the iterator l123, which used to contain the integers 1, 2, and 3?

System.out.println(l123.next());  // => Error: No more elements!

Despite not being touched in our example code, behind the scenes the elements of the iterator l123 were exhausted. Looking at the ListIterator.next() method, it’s obvious why this happened:

// EFFECT: Updates iterator to point to next element;

// EFFECT: Throws runtime exception if `elems' is empty;

// Returns the next element of this list.

public X next() {

    return this.elems.accept(new ListVisitor<>() {

        public X visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            throw new RuntimeException("No more elements!");


        public X visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            ListIterator.this.elems = cons.rest;

            return cons.first;




The iterator branches on the underlying list. When the list is non-empty, the field holding the list is mutated to point to the rest of that list, and the first of the list is returned. Once that element is removed, the iterator forgets about it and is unable to rebuild the original list.

What information do we need to save to rebuild the original list?

Iterator + Context = Zipper

As we noted, each time we call the ListIterator.next() method we drop that element on the floor. Instead, let’s hold on to all the elements we’ve seen as we zip our way through the list.

We’ll start a new class definition based on our ListIterator called the ListZipper. This definition has an additional field: the context. As we move our way through the list, we’ll accumulate the elements we pass in the context of the zipper. When the zipper is created with some elements, we begin at the head of that list with an empty context.

class ListZipper<X> {

    private Listof<X> context;

    private Listof<X> elems;


    ListZipper(Listof<X> elems) {

        this.context = AListof.empty();

        this.elems = elems;



    // Creates a string representation of this zipper

    public String toString() {

        return "⟨" + context + ", " + elems + "⟩";



Similar to the ListIterator.next() method, we can move to the right inside the ListZipper by branching on the elements. We create a new zipper with current context extended with the head of the elements and the rest of the elements.

// Move one element to the right from this zipper;

// If no more elements remain, return this zipper

public ListZipper<X> right() {

    return this.elems.accept(new ListVisitor<X, ListZipper<X>>() {

        public ListZipper<X> visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            return ListZipper.this;


        public ListZipper<X> visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            return new ListZipper<>(







A small example will illustrate how the right operation works:

ListZipper<Integer> zip = new ListZipper<>(AListof.make(3, n -> n+1));

System.out.println(zip);                          // => ⟨[], [1, 2, 3]⟩

System.out.println(zip.right());                  // => ⟨[1], [2, 3]⟩

System.out.println(zip.right().right());          // => ⟨[2, 1], [3]⟩

System.out.println(zip.right().right().right());  // => ⟨[3, 2, 1], []⟩

As we move our way to the right in the zip, the elements of the original list accumulate in reverse in the context. Note that the most recently seen element of the list is placed at the head of the context.

With the right method implemented, we can make the ListZipper an Iterable<X> Iterator<X> again:

public Iterator<X> iterator() {

        return this;



public boolean hasNext() {

    return this.elems.accept(new ListVisitor<X, Boolean>() {

        public Boolean visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            return false;


        public Boolean visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            return true;





public X next() {

    return this.elems.accept(new ListVisitor<X, X>() {

        public X visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            throw new RuntimeException("No more elements!");


        public X visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            ListZipper<X> next = ListZipper.this.right();

            ListZipper.this.context = next.context;

            ListZipper.this.elems = next.elems;

            return cons.first;




But what have we gained? Our motivating example still doesn’t work!

ListZipper<Integer> zip = new ListZipper<>(AListof.make(3, n -> n+1));

for (Integer i : zip) {



// Prints 1 2 3


System.out.println(zip.next());  // => Error: No more elements!

Unlike the original iterator, We can recreate the original list by moving to the left inside the zipper.

// Move one element to the left from this zipper;

// If no more elements remain, return this zipper

public ListZipper<X> left() {

    return this.context.accept(new ListVisitor<X, ListZipper<X>>() {

        public ListZipper<X> visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            return ListZipper.this;


        public ListZipper<X> visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            return new ListZipper<>(







The left method undoes a step to the right. We look at the context, and if it is non-empty, shift the most recent element from the context (its head) back to the elements of the zipper.

ListZipper<Integer> zip = new ListZipper<>(AListof.make(3, n -> n+1));

for (Integer i : zip) {



// Prints 1 2 3


System.out.println(zip.left().next());  // => 3


for (Integer i : zip.left().left().left()) {



// Prints 1 2 3

When we take a step to the left in our example, we get to print the element 3 for a second time! If we take three steps to the left, we can print all the elements again!

Of course it’s a pain to step to the left three times, when we can just go to the start:

ListZipper<X> start() {

    return this.context.accept(new ListVisitor<X, ListZipper<X>>() {

        public ListZipper<X> visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            return ListZipper.this;


        public ListZipper<X> visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            return ListZipper.this.left().start();




If the context is non-empty, we step to the left and recur. If the context is empty, we’ve fully rewound any iteration we’ve performed and return this zipper.

Similarly, we can easily get to the end of the list:

ListZipper<X> end() {

    return this.elems.accept(new ListVisitor<X, ListZipper<X>>() {

        public ListZipper<X> visitEmpty(Empty<X> mt) {

            return ListZipper.this;


        public ListZipper<X> visitCons(Cons<X> cons) {

            return ListZipper.this.right().end();




The ListZipper is similar to a data structure we implemented in homework and labs last semester: a text-box. The cursor falls between two strings and can be shifted left and right among the characters.

The ListZipper represents a position inside of a list. We can change position by shifting elements to the right or left of the current focus. Crucially, we always hold on to the full context: both the elements behind and in front of the current focus.

The notion of a zipper does not only apply to lists. We can move through any data structure in a similar way, as long as we never throw any information away.

Climbing a Tree

The following is a simple binary tree implementation:

interface Tree<X> {

    <R> R fold(TriFunction<X, R, R, R> f, R b);

    <R> R accept(TreeVisitor<X, R> visitor);



class Leaf<X> implements Tree<X> {

    public <R> R fold(TriFunction<X, R, R, R> f, R b) {

        return b;


    public <R> R accept(TreeVisitor<X, R> visitor) {

        return visitor.visitLeaf(this);




class Node<X> implements Tree<X> {

    X value;

    Tree<X> left;

    Tree<X> right;


    Node(X value, Tree<X> left, Tree<X> right) {

        this.value = value;

        this.left = left;

        this.right = right;



    public <R> R fold(TriFunction<X, R, R, R> f, R b) {

        return f.apply(


                this.left.fold(f, b),

                this.right.fold(f, b));



    public <R> R accept(TreeVisitor<X, R> visitor) {

        return visitor.visitNode(this);



We could move to the left or right inside of a list using the ListZipper. In a binary tree we have three directions that we can travel: down to the left, down to the right, or up the tree.

When we move to the right inside a list, we needed to hold on to first element in our context in order to move back to the left. If we focus on the right branch of some node, to move back up we must hold on to both the value of that node and its left branch: both the pieces necessary to reconstruct the original node.

We can represent each piece of the context of a tree as node with a hole on the left or a hole on the right. The key functionality the context must provide is a method to remake the original tree by plugging the hole.

interface NodeWithHole<X> {

    Tree<X> remake(Tree<X> focus);



class HoleOnLeft<X> implements NodeWithHole<X> {

    X value;

    Tree<X> right;


    HoleOnLeft(X value, Tree<X> right) {

        this.value = value;

        this.right = right;



    public Tree<X> remake(Tree<X> left) {

        return new Node(this.value, left, this.right);




class HoleOnRight<X> implements NodeWithHole<X> {

    X value;

    Tree<X> left;


    HoleOnRight(X value, Tree<X> left) {

        this.value = value;

        this.left = left;



    public Tree<X> remake(Tree<X> right) {

        return new Node(this.value, this.left, right);



With these class definitions, we can begin to implement our TreeZipper.

class TreeZipper<X> {

    Listof<NodeWithHole<X>> context;

    Tree<X> elems;


    TreeZipper(Tree<X> elems) {

        this(AListof.empty(), elems);



    TreeZipper(Listof<Pieces<X>> context, Tree<X> elems) {

        this.context = context;

        this.elems = elems;


Our context is a list of holey nodes. Each time we step down to the left or right inside a node, we place the other pieces into the context.

Moving to the right, we place the left sub-tree and the node’s value into the context:

TreeZipper<X> right() {

    return this.elems.accept(new TreeVisitor<>() {

        public TreeZipper<X> visitLeaf(Leaf<X> leaf) {

            return TreeZipper.this;


        public TreeZipper<X> visitNode(Node<X> node) {

            return new TreeZipper<>(

                    TreeZipper.this.context.cons(new HoleOnRight<>(node.value, node.left)),






Moving to the left, we place the right sub-tree and the node’s value into the context:

TreeZipper<X> left() {

    return this.elems.accept(new TreeVisitor<>() {

        public TreeZipper<X> visitLeaf(Leaf<X> leaf) {

            return TreeZipper.this;


        public TreeZipper<X> visitNode(Node<X> node) {

            return new TreeZipper<>(

                    TreeZipper.this.context.cons(new HoleOnLeft<>(node.value, node.right)),






To move back up to the parent node, we simply remake the previous node from the context:

TreeZipper<X> up() {

    return this.context.accept(new ListVisitor<>() {

        public TreeZipper<X> visitEmpty(Empty<NodeWithHole<X>> mt) {

            return TreeZipper.this;


        public TreeZipper<X> visitCons(Cons<NodeWithHole<X>> cons) {

            return new TreeZipper<>(





