On this page:
Hello, Java
1 Java Development Kit
2 Intelli  J
3 Distances, Speeds, and Times in Java:   Lab 1 Redux
4 Submit

Lab 4: Same Story, More Syntax

Hello, Java

You’ll work in this lab with an ad-hoc partner. Help each other get up and running with IntelliJ and Java.

Our goal for today’s lab is to begin compiling and running Java programs using IntelliJ.

1 Java Development Kit

We need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) to develop Java programs. This is platform-dependent, so the process will be slightly different for each of your machines. Help your partner if you already have the JDK installed.

First, download and install the proper JDK for your platform (you should use Java SE 11.0.2).

2 IntelliJ

We’ll use IntelliJ as our editor for Java programs. Download and install the proper IntelliJ Community Edition for your platform (Windows/Apple/Linux).

Once you’ve installed IntelliJ, launch it and try to figure out how to make a new project with a single class named "Hello". Then add this code, compile, and run first Java program. Let us know if you run into any issues.

public class Hello {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      System.out.println("Hello, world.");



3 Distances, Speeds, and Times in Java: Lab 1 Redux

The goal for remainder of today’s lab is to re-implement the first lab (Lab 1: Simple Data Definitions with Class) in Java. If you’ve already completed lab 1 you’re in luck–the translation from class/0 should be straightforward.

You should translate tests to Java comments; we’ll introduce a check-expect style testing mechanism next week.

4 Submit

Submit a single Java file that contains all your work from today’s lab.