
CMSC 420-0301


The webpage and elms pages for Dr Hugue's section 301 of cmsc420 is under quarantine with Covid-19. However, there should be enough information to get you started right here.

  1. Section 301 is both online and asynchronous, meaning that for the most part you choose when you work on it.
  2. The Elms/Canvas pages for this section will eventually contain detailed information regarding grades, exams, and other course policies. These will differ from those on Dr Mount's page. In the interim, visit Dr. Mount's 420 class page because the information not mentioned above is relevant to section 301 as well.
  3. The course material will be a combination of Dr. Mount's lectures (available on his webpage) and Dr. Hugue's study notes, worksheets and self-quizzes (on elms).
  4. There will be approximately one short self-quiz to be taken on-line each week, with at least three dropped. There will be 4 "short semester tests", with the lowest score dropped.
  5. All three sections will do a semester long project consisting of several related parts (which will be documented on Dr. Miount's pages). Project questions must be asked on a dedicated Piazza page.
  6. There is no book to be purchased--see the links on last spring's webpage (https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2021/cmsc420-0201-0301/)
If you're still looking for guidance or just something to do, you can start off by viewing Dr Mount's lecture notes.

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