
CMSC 433: Programming Language Technologies and Paradigms

Spring 2024

Tuesday & Thursday, 3.30pm Eastern - 4.45pm Eastern
CSI 1115

Description: Students will be introduced to a range of modern formal methods and software engineering practices, focusing on Dafny and Haskell. The first part of the course will look at Dafny, a verification-aware programming language that is used heavily at Amazon: students will learn different techniques for writing down precise specifications of desired system behavior and for proving that specifications hold of software artifacts. The second part of the course will focus on Haskell, with the goal of implementing a miniature version of Dafny split up in different exercises throughout the course of the semester. Knowledge of functional programming in the form of OCaml (from 330) is assumed, but not prior knowledge of Haskell or Dafny.


Name email Hours (AVW 4140) Hours (Discord)
Leonidas Lampropoulos leonidas@umd.edu M 1pm-2pm (IRB 5248) W 2p-3pm
Le Chang lchang21@umd.edu F 1pm-2pm Tu 11am-12pm
Sam Lam slam1@umd.edu F 3pm-4pm M 2pm-3pm
Mingwei Zhu mzhu1@terpmail.umd.edu F 2pm-3pm Th 1pm-2pm
Yusuf Bham ybham@terpmail.umd.edu F 11am-12pm W 12pm-1pm
Jeffrey Fisher jgfisher@terpmail.umd.edu F 12pm-1pm Th 2pm-3pm

Disclaimer: All information on this web page is tentative and subject to change. Any substantive change will be accompanied with an announcement to the class via ELMS.