On this page:
1 Directions for submitting
2 Oveview
3 Using abstraction functions

Exercise 7

Due: Monday, July 22, 11:59:59 PM EST.

Implement these exercises with the Intermediate Student Language.

1 Directions for submitting

Please read and follow these intructions carefully. You should submit a single file named ex4.rkt on ELMS. You may submit many times, but each submission should be one file called ex7.rkt. You may lose points for not following these instructions.

Make sure the top of the file contains the following, with your name filled in:
;; Exercise 7
;; Name: ...your name here...

2 Oveview

The goal of this exercise is to practice using the abstraction functions for lists.

3 Using abstraction functions

Problem 1: Redo with abstraction functions

Revisit your solution to Exercise 5. Revise your solution to use the list abstraction functions andmap, ormap, map, filter, and foldr wherever appropriate.