CMSC 132, Summer 2021

Object-Oriented Programming II


Class announcements will be posted via Piazza; please check the course Piazza page daily. You may sign up for the class on Piazza here.


Name Office E-mail Office Hours
Anwar Mamat  Online W 4:00-5:00pm
Pranav Kulkarni  Online M 11-1 T 9:30-12:30 W 11-1 Th 11-12
Jason Lee Online T 9:30-11:30 Th 12-3 F 11-2
Timothy Hicks Online M 2-4 T 3-4 W 2-4 F 2-5
Matthew Weinberg Online M 1-2 T 12-3 W 1-2 F 12-3

Please think twice before you e-mail the course staff: Most queries should go to Piazza, as their answers will be relevant to more than just the e-mailer. If your query really is just about you, include CMSC132 in the subject of your email.


Course Description Object-Oriented Programming II is a second programming course for Computer Science majors with a focus on object-oriented programming. The goal of the course is to develop skills such as program design and testing as well as the implementation of programs. The course introduces basic data structures, like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, sets, and graphs, and implementation of those abstract data types using Java. This course also covers topics like recursion, concurrency, and network programming.
Textbooks Recommended: Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne [Amazon · Pearson] [textbook website]

Required: We will be using personal response devices, Clickers. You can use the TurningPoint iOS/Android app for free.

Class Times
and Locations
Lecture and discussion will be online.