Student Travel Grant Application ================================ (for ACM SIGMETRICS 2001 / Performance 2001) ______________________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________ _______________________________________ Phone number E-mail address ______________________________________________________________________ Academic Institution & Department ______________________________________________________________________ Academic Advisor Expense Request (Please estimate as best you can and please do not forget to include sales tax for travel and accommodation. Meals and rental cars will not be reimbursed, so please do not include them. Please also note that the maximum grant is $1,000US for a student traveling within US and $1,250US for a student traveling from outside of US.) Travel: (airfare, train fare) $______________ Public transportation: (to and from airport) $______________ Accommodation: $______________ (room sharing or student housing on MIT campus) Registration fees -- Technical sessions: $______________ Registration fees -- Tutorial sessions: $______________ Total Requested: $______________ ___ no ___ yes Are you presenting a paper/poster at this conference? ___ no ___ yes Are you an author of a paper/poster at this conference? ___ no ___ yes If awarded a stipend, may we provide your name and email address to other stipend recipients in order to facilitate room sharing at the conference/workshop? ___ no ___ yes If you are awarded less than the requested amount, can your travel be covered, fully or partially, under some other grant (e.g., your advisor's research grant)? (Note: If you submit this electronically, you do not need to sign below. Your e-mail will be retained for records.) _____________________________________ _____________________________ Signature Date