Run install_cqual to install cqual Copy cqual/src/libqual/ to the dynamic library repository on your machine. On a linux machine, this location will typically be in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH On OS/X, it is typically ~/Library/Java/Extensions/ - and the library must be renamed to libjqual.dylib If Eclipse v3.2 is not present, download from and install. Copy jqual_1.0.0.jar to eclipse/plugins (where "eclipse" is the top-level directory of your Eclipse installation) Start Eclipse A dialog asks you which workspace to use. Accept the default or choose a different directory. eclipse/workspace is fine. If a welcome screen appears, close it. Choose File/import menu Choose General/"Existing Projects into Workspace" Check "Select archive file:" and browse to the file jqual_examples.jar from the jqual installation directory Click Finish After the project jqual_examples has been added to the Package Explorer pane, double-click to open the jqual_examples project, then the src directory and (default package). Open Click on the editor pane to select it. Click "Run JQual" in the toolbar. Analysis results should be printed to the console pane in Eclipse. More information on how to configure and use JQual is in the user's guide included with the installation.