Title: Reading for Construction

Victor R. Basili, Gianluigi Caldiera, Forrest Shull (University of Maryland)
Filippo Lanubile (University of Bari)

Reading for construction is aimed at answering the question: Given an existing artifact, how do I understand how to use it as part of my new system? Reading for construction is important for comprehending what a system does, what capabilities exist and do not exist; it helps us abstract the important information in the system. It is useful for maintenance as well as for building new systems from reusable components and architectures. For this presentation, we focus on the object-oriented frameworks as the artifact to be used in system development. Frameworks are a promising means of reuse but they have associated learning problems that affect their usefulness. We conducted an empirical study of framework usage in the context of parallel development projects undertaken by beginning learners. The purpose of the study was exploratory, aimed to build a theory of the learning strategies with object-oriented frameworks. The study findings consist of a set of hypotheses which should be further examined by confirmatory studies, in the form of case studies as well as controlled experiments.

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