%c First sample of Lifeline data format

%today 3/3/1997

%set defaultlinecolor=black
%set defaultlinethickness=3  %c in pixel
%set defaulteventcolor=black

%set c-abn=red  %c abnornal
%set c-com=orange %c commentsonly
%set c-unr=green  %c unremarkable
%set c-toreview=purple
%set c-pending=yellow    %c this is just a first attempt!


%patient Marge Simpson
 %sexe F

%//  %type=lifeline

%c ----- NOTES -----
%mix   %type=facet  %name=Notes  %backgroung=color1  
%c "mix" means that the paralel or serie arrangement is done automatically 
%c "type facet" triggers general LifeLine rules for facets (e.g bck. color)

    %c standard 1day-notes. The clid is the crosslink ID of the note
    %. 1/1/1995 %clid=1  %sl="strepthroat"  %l="severe strepthroat infection" %url="note1.html"
    %. 5/5/1995 %clid=2  %sl="broken arm"  %url="note2.html"

    %c multiple notes on the same day
      %. 1/1/1996 %clid=3  %sl="diag A"
      %. 1/1/1996 %clid=4  %sl="diag B"
      %. 1/1/1996 %clid=5  %sl="diag C

    %c a simple lumped note (e.g. single encounter, comments added later)
    %- 3/1/1996 8/1/1996 %clid=6 %sl="Wort"

    %c A lumped note with a single diagnosis - showing the encounters
    %c The "type=note" specifies what summurization method to use.
    %--  %clid=7
      %- 4/1/1996-9/5/1996 %sl="Diabetes"  %color=blue
      %- 9/6/1996-12/1/1996 %sl="Mild Diabetes"  %color=lightblue
      %. 4/5/1996 %sl="Diabetes x"
      %. 7/5/1996 %sl="Diabetes y"
      %. 9/5/1996 %sl="Mild Diabetes"
      %. 10/5/1996 %sl="Mild Diabetes"
      %. 12/1/1996 %sl="it's over"

    %c An automatically lumped note (gray line) - links to different note IDs
    %c Corresponds to an "episode of care"?
      %- 2/1/1996-7/5/1996 %cl=(9,10,11) %sl="Rashxyz" %color=gray %thickness=1
      %. 2/1/1996 %clid=9  %sl="Rashxyz"
      %. 4/10/1996 %clid=10  %sl="Rashxyz"
      %. 7/5/1996 %clid=11  %sl"Rashxyz"

    %c A lumped note with a second diagnosis added later
    %//  %clid=8
      %- 2/1/1997-3/5/1997 %sl="Sprain ankle"  %color=blue
      %- 2/15/1997-3/5/1997 %sl="Broken toe"  %color=blue

    %- 3/1/1997-3/5/1997 %clid=12 %sl="Sore throat"  %color=blue

%endmix %c END NOTES

%c ------ MEDICATIONS -----
%mix    %type=facet   %name Medications  %backgroung=color2

  %- 1/1/1995-1/11/1995 %cl=1  %sl="Amoxil"  %l="Amoxil - strepthroat infection"
  %c Example of detailed medication order. Color changes show re-orders
  %-- cl=6  %c "cl=6" specifies the link to note whose ID=6
    %- 5/1/1996-5/5/1996 %sl=Novagen  %l="Ordered Novax, dosage, schedule etc.." %color=blue
    %- 5/5/1996-5/20/1996 %l="Dispensed Novagen, dosage, schedule etc.."
    %- 5/21/1996-5/22/1996 %l="ReOrdered Novagen, dosage, schedule etc.." %color=blue
    %- 5/23/1996-7/20/1996 %l="ReDispensed Novagen, dosage, schedule etc.."
    %- 7/21/1996-7/22/1996 %l="ReOrdered Novagen, dosage, schedule etc.." %color=blue
    %- 7/23/1996-9/30/1996 %l="ReDispensed Novagen, dosage, schedule etc.."
    %- 9/25/1996-9/30/1996 %l="Stop requested 9-25 - Stopped 9-30 - Novagen" %color=blue

  %c Example of early refill warning
  %-- cl=6
    %- 10/1/1996- %sl=Vitamox %l="ordered/dispensed Vitamox"
    %. 2/1/1997  %sl=ref %l="refill Vitamox" 
    %. 3/3/1997 %sl=req %color=c-abn %l="Refill request TOO EARLY"
    %. 6/1/1997 %sl="ref" %l="next Vitamox planned refill"

  %c Example of missed refill warning
  %-- cl=6
    %- 6/1/1996-2/1/1996 %sl=Lomix %l="ordered/dispensed Lomix"
    %. 8/1/1997   %l="refill Lomix" 
    %. 10/1/1997  %l="refill Lomix" 
    %. 12/1/1997  %l="refill Lomix" 
    %- 2/1/1997-  %sl=missed  %color=c-abn %l="Warning: refill not requested"
    %. 4/1/1997  %l="planned refill Lomix" 
    %. 6/1/1997  %l="planned refill Lomix" 


%c ------ LABORATORY ------
%mix    %type=facet   %name Laboratory  %backgroung=color1
  %. 1/1/1995 %cl=1  %sl="throat culture"  %color=c-abn

  %. 4/1/1996 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Abnormal Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-abn 
  %. 6/1/1996 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Abnormal Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-abn
  %. 8/1/1996 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Abnormal Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-abn
  %. 10/1/1996 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-unr
  %. 12/1/1996 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-unr
  %. 2/1/1997 %cl=7 %sl=Blood %l="Blood lab, level abc>55" %color=c-unr

  %c One lab order split into 3 tests, one still pending
  %-- cl=12
    %- 3/1/1997-3/2/1997 %sl=throatABC %l="order 3 test for sore throat"
  	%- 3/2/1997-3/4/1997 %color=c-unr %sl=testA
	  %- 3/2/1997-3/5/1997 %color=c-unr %l="early results testB"
	  %- 3/5/1997- %color=c-torev %l="2nd testB results ready"
	%- 3/2/1997- %color=pending %thickness=1 %sl=testC


%c ------ IMAGING ------
%mix    %type=facet   %name Imaging  %backgroung=color2

  %c Order of 2 xrays - merged into one result
  %-- cl=2
      %- 1/2/1995-1/4/1995 %sl=XRay1 %l="XRay - Arm" %color=c-abn
      %- 1/2/1995-1/4/1995 %sl=XRay2 %l="XRay - Shoulder" %color=c-abn
    %- 1/4/1995-1/7/1995 %sl=XRay %l="Xray arm+should - Broken humerus - rev:Dr.John" %color=c-abn

  %c a pending Thyroid test
    %- 3/1/1997- %cl=12 %color=pending %thickness=1 %sl=Thyroid %l="neuclear thyroid test"

%c ------ HOSPITALIZATION  ------
%mix    %type=facet   %name Hosp.  %backgroung=color1
%endmix %c END FACET HOSP

%c ------ IMMUNIZATION  ------
%mix    %type=facet   %name Immunization %backgroung=color2

%end//  %c end lifeline

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