%c Comments/Syntax of the LifeLine data format

%today 5/12/1997
  if today has no value: use the computer date (i.e. the "real" today's date)
  Giving a value for today is mainly helpful for our demos.

%set defaultlinecolor  black  (needs list of possible colors)
%set defaultlinethickness 3  (number of pixels)
%set color=variablename   (useful for "abnormal color", "pending" etc.)

%patient Marge Simpson    (minimum patient info for the header)
%sexe F

%. event    followed by date 1/2/1996 and attributes
%- interval  followed by date interval 1/2/1996-2/4/1996
             if no end-date: means it is still active

%// paralel
     Indicate a paralel grouping of intervals and/or events
     Only a small 1 pixel separation will separate the paralel lines or events
%end//  (end marker)

%-- serie
      Indicate a serial grouping of intervals and/or events
      Lines will be connected to each others
      Events will be drawn on top of the lines

    The intervals and events are not connected and will be placed in
    automatically as needed (i.e. eventually we can have fancy
    "packing" algorythms but at first it will be done following the order
    in the data file. The rule is: put the intervals on the same y coordinate
    unless there is overlap. If there is overlap go down one line.


%sl=label     short label (Use quote when more than one word)
%l="label for active cursor" (Use quote when more than one word)

%color=variablename  (use black/blue/red/green/purple/yellow/orange or
                      variable names set at the beginning of the file)
%thickness=  (number of pixel or variable name)

%clid=5  Crosslink anchor ID 
	(the reference of the links: i.e. the Patient Record note)
%cl=5    Crosslink to 5
%cl=(1,2,3,4) Can link to a series of things! (LifeLine will need menu)

%url  link to more details

Types are LifeLine "generic behaviors"  (e.g. facets)
Modes are application specific (e.g. medical record notes)

%mix %type=facet  %name="name of facet" %background=color
    has a background color for whole width 
    name of facet goes on the left of lifeline


 the mode mednote specify all the labeling and summurization rules 
 specific to medical notes 

 the label is the diagnostic

 if there is room for only one label/diagnosis: use the most recent one
 if reduced to a dot use color and thickness of "most severe diagnostic".

 // for mode note: 
    write all labels if possible 
    if no room write 1st label and "+number of labels"

 -- in mode note
    write all labels if possible
    if not write most recent label

 if room for one label: use the dispensed medication name

  Events and intervals should have more attributes and the color and thickness should be assigned to one of the attribute by user's option.  For now the color and thickness would be hard coded in the data.

 The datafile doesn't include methods to summurize the data when there is no space for details (e.g. for the complex split and merge).

Web Accessibility