Pad++ Programmer's Guide


It is easy to attach Tcl scripts to items so that when the user interacts with that item (via a mouse button press, key press, or whatever), the Tcl script is evaluated. This is implemented with the bind command. For example, the following code creates two squares. Clicking on the left one zooms in a bit, and clicking on the right one zooms out a bit.

.pad create rectangle 0 0 50 50 -tags rect1 -fill black
.pad create rectangle 100 0 150 50 -tags rect2 -fill white
.pad bind rect1 <ButtonPress> {.pad moveto 0 0 2 1000}
.pad bind rect2 <ButtonPress> {.pad moveto 0 0 1 1000}

Pad++ Programmer's Guide - 20 JUN 1997

Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico

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