Title: Computing Annotated Logic Programs
Authors: James J. Lu, S.M. Leach.
Annotated Logics is a formalism that has been applied to a variety of situations in knowledge representation, expert systems, quantitative reasoning, and hybrid databases. Annotated Logic Programming is a subset of Annotated Logics that can be used directly for programming Annotated Logic applications. In this paper, we investigate an approach to top-down query processing in Annotated Logic Programs that contains elements of constraint solving. The key to our approach is in observing that satisfaction, as introduced originally for Annotated Logic Programming, may be naturally generalized. Computationally, our method uses constraints in a way that differs from the Constraint Logic Programming scheme introduced by Jaffar and Lassez in that constraints maintained within a proof need not be satisfied at each deduction step. Our approach simplifies a number of previous proposals and also improves on their efficiency. We describe a first computer implementation of the Annotated Logic Programming system. Overall, this paper offers new insights into the proof theory of Annotated Logic Programming, as well as an understanding of certain key implementation issues.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP `94), MIT Press, 1994.