Enhanced with SHOE

Dublin Core Ontology

Description:A translation of the Dublin Core element set into SHOE. The Dublin Core element set defines a set of metadata elements for cataloging library items and other electronic resources. This ontology is only an example. It is not even remotely intended for real use, and the ontology itself may change without warning. The specifics of the Dublin Core Element Set are in flux, and even as we speak, this ontology is out of date.
Contact:Sean Luke (seanl@cs.umd.edu)
Revision Date:25 Feb 2000

Organization of this Document

This ontology is declared in this document both in human-readable form (what you see in front of you now) and machine-readable SHOE form (which you can see from viewing the html source of this document). The rest of this document is divided into the following sections:


The Dublin Core element set defines a set of metadata elements for cataloging library items and other electronic resources. Such items are known as "resources", and there exist certain relationships (Dublin Core calls these relationships "elements") between resources and other resources or data. The Dublin Core elements are: TITLE, CREATOR, SUBJECT, DESCRIPTION, PUBLISHER, CONTRIBUTOR, DATE, TYPE, FORMAT, IDENTIFIER, SOURCE, LANGUAGE, RELATION, COVERAGE, and RIGHTS.

These elements have currently been implemented in SHOE as binary relations between a Resource and a .STRING, with the following caveats and exceptions:

...is synonymous with base.name
...is synonymous with base.description
...is a binary relationship between a Resource and a .DATE
...is a binary relationship between a Resource and a Type. Following one popular type collection, this ontology has defined a collection of Types that you may use in this relationship. These are automatically arranged in a hierarchy through the relation typeParent. Further, if you define that there exists a type relationship between some Resource and some Type, then it is automatically inferred that the relationship inferredType exists between that Resource and that Type, and also between that Resource and any ancestor type of Type in the hierarchy.
...is a binary relationship between a Resource and a Format. Dublin has not formally defined (or even suggested) a collection of Formats, so we don't define any in this ontology, though you are welcome to define some yourself.
...is a 3-ary relationship between a Relation, and two Resources. Dublin has not formally defined (or even suggested) a collection of Relations, so we don't define any in this ontology, though you are welcome to define some yourself.

Extended Ontologies

The following ontologies are extended by the current ontology:


This ontology has renamed the following objects from other ontologies:

Object Renamed From ================================================================ title base.name description base.description


The following taxonomy is the collection of categories declared in this ontology. The hierarchical form is intended to show the ISA chain. Categories in [Brackets] are not defined here but are defined in an ontology extended by this one. Elements in {Braces} are additional supercategories of the category immediately before them (signifying multiple inheritance).

[base.Entity] [base.SHOEEntity] DublinCoreEntity Resource Type Format Relation


Relationships are declared between one or more arguments. Relationship arguments are either types or are categories. If the argument is a category, any subcategory of that category is valid as well.

Relation Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 ================================================================================== DUBLIN CORE RELATIONS: creator Resource .STRING subject Resource .STRING publisher Resource .STRING contributor Resource .STRING date Resource .DATE type Resource Type format Resource Format identifier Resource .STRING source Resource .STRING language Resource .STRING relation Relation Resource Resource coverage Resource .STRING rights Resource .STRING OTHER RELATIONS: typeParent Type (the child) Type (the parent) inferredType Resource Type


This ontology defines some inferences which may be useful to agents:

Types are Inferred Types
If type(x,y) then inferredType(x,y)
InferredType is transitive along type parents
If inferredType(x,y) and typeParent(y,z), then inferredType(x,z)

Declarators Constants and Predefined Relations

This ontology has defined the following constants. The hierarchy implied in the constant definitions below indicates that the relational claim typeParent(child,parent) has been made between the constant and its parent constant in the hierarchy. This claim was made by the instance http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/plus/SHOE/onts/dublin.html, which is a declarator for the ontology.

Constant Category ================================ Text Type Abstract Type Advertisement Type Article Type Correspondence Type Discussion Type Email Type Letter Type Postcard Type Dictionary Type Form Type Homepage Type Organizational Type Personal Type Index Type Manual Type Manuscript Type Minutes Type Monograph Type Pamphlet Type Poem Type Preprint Type Proceedings Type Promotion Type Serial Type Journal Type Magazine Type Newsletter Type Newspaper Type TechReport Type Thesis Type Doctoral Type Masters Type Image Type Moving Type Animation Type Film Type Photograph Type Graphic Type Sound Type Ambient Type Effect Type Music Type Narration Type Speech Type Software Type Executable Type Source Type Data Type Numeric Type Spatial Type Spectral Type Statistical Type Structured-Text Type Interactive Type Chat Type Games Type Multimedia Type VR Type


Not available


Change History:

Web Accessibility