(This file is now complete.) The quiz will cover the last piece of the ODE-BVP notes, Part 1 of the Elliptic notes and the first 4 pages of Part 2 of the Elliptic notes. For Quiz 3, be able to: -- Construct a finite difference or finite element approximation to a given ODE-BVP. -- Use the discrete maximum principle. -- Use the error formulas to draw conclusions about how fast the error will decrease. -- Compare and contrast finite difference and finite element methods for solving ODE-BVPs. For example: -- Which requires less work to form and solve the linear system? -- Which should be used if we want to compute an approximation to u'? -- For each method, what can we do if we decide that we need to reduce the error? (reduce h? increase the order of approximation?) -- Apply the Maximum Principle and the Minimum Principle to draw conclusions about the behavior of the solution to an elliptic PDE. -- Use Theorem 3.2. -- Define uniqueness and stability of the solution of an elliptic PDE -- Determine the solution to an elliptic PDE given its Green's function. -- Derive the weak form of the problem from the strong. -- Determine the regularity of a solution to an elliptic PDE. -- Solve Unquiz 1 in Part 2 of the Elliptic notes. -- Be able to form a finite difference approximation to an elliptic problem on a rectangular or L-shaped domain. (In other words, extend Quiz 1 to a rectangular or L-shaped domain.) -- Determine the sparsity pattern of the matrix in Unquiz 2 in Part 2 and understand how the matrix entries are formed. (Example: what is the domain of integration for the matrix entry A(6,7)?) -- Be able to form a finite element approximation to an elliptic problem on a polygonal domain. (In other words, extend Quiz 2 to a polygonal domain.) -- Determine whether a given triangulation is admissible.