Kiri Wagstaff Title: Constrained Clustering with Background Knowledge Abstract: Unsupervised machine learning algorithms have had some impressive successes. For example, the Autoclass program analyzed a large body of infrared spectral data and discovered a sub-class of stars previously unknown to astronomers. Data mining algorithms are regularly used in the corporate world to extract useful information from large customer data bases. However, the majority of these algorithms are limited in what they can achieve. They can detect general trends and patterns in data, but they cannot make use of additional knowledge specific to the problem at hand, as a human expert would. Our work focuses on enhancing clustering algorithms so that they can take advantage of background knowledge to improve accuracy. In particular, we have developed two modified clustering algorithms which can take as input a set of instance-level constraints about the relationships between items in the data set. These constraints are preserved in the final output clusters. In this talk, I will present an overview of these algorithms and results obtained from applying them to two challenging real-world problems. The first deals with analyzing text to determine which noun phrases are coreferent (for example, in the first sentence of this paragraph, "them" is coreferent with "these algorithms"). The second problem involves processing vehicle GPS data to automatically determine where road lane boundaries are. This enables greatly improved road maps and computer-generated driving directions; it also represents a step towards the future goal of computers that are sophisticated enough to drive cars themselves.