A. Udaya Shankar

Professor (Retired 2022)
Computer Science Department
Room 4141, A.V. Williams Bldg

Email: shankar@cs.umd.edu

Courses taught recently

CMSC 216 Introduction to Computer Systems
CMSC 412 Operating Systems
CMSC 414 Computer and Network Security
CMSC 712 Distributed Algorithms and Verification

Research interests

The design and analysis of distributed systems, especially as found in networking and operating systems. I'm interested in both correctness analysis and performance analysis.

One area of current work is a framework, based on assertional reasoning, for writing correct distributed programs. The theory for the framework, called Sesf, is in this (text). I'm currently developing tutorial-level software for this framework, specifically, a suite of distributed programs and a testing harness. Here is a preliminary version.

Another area of current work is timestep stochastic simulation of networks of TCP and UDP flows. Unlike traditional packet-level simulation, the network state is updated probabilistically at steps of time. This results in fast simulation, especially for high-speed networks. Details and a simulator (tssnet) are available here.

Selected Publications

PhD students

TS Eliot: prufrock, hippopotamus