remark first normal operation kramer 2 3 add show remark 5 kramer macro avg4 add add add add 4 exch div show orcam macro welcome quote wow_you_got_it show pop orcam pop remark wow_you_got_it kramer welcome 2 2 3 4 5 avg4 remark 4 kramer clear remark variable testing kramer remark x-4 =1 kramer 5 quote x store 4 x sub show remark 3+1 =4 kramer 3 quote y store y x add show remark more complex operation, kramer 0 quote sum store macro body1 sum remark specify the other operand of add kramer add quote sum store dup 0 lessthan remark the top of the stack is T/F kramer orcam macro allsum remark while we get positive numbers add kramer dup remark dup. the 7 kramer 0 lessthan quote body1 while sum show orcam clear -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 allsum remark sum is 28 kramer clear remark throw exception with store kramer 4 var store remark output should be 5 wow_you_got_it 4 1 8 28 kramer