Assignment #1: Unix programming -- Due February 10, 2000, 6:00pm


Unless you have some previous Unix experience, you will need to consult, read, and understand several Unix manual pages. This may require you to search for information whose whereabouts are unknown to you. This is the point of this exercise. For this exercise only, you may work with other students.

Carry out the following tasks.

  1. Change your finger information so that your real name appears in it.
  2. Change your shell to tcsh.
  3. Send a message to the csd.cmsc330 newsgroup.
  4. Take a look at the class home page,
  5. Compile the C++ program in file ~asussman/fact.C . It takes one integer argument on its command line. Given an integer input, n, the program computes n!. Using the gdb debugger, run the program with an input of 5.

To show that you've completed the assignment, do the following.

  1. Capture finger info. to an ASCII file.
  2. Same as #1.
  3. We'll see this in the newsgroup.
  4. Save the page to a file.
  5. Use the script program to capture your use of gdb. Use the debugger to show the program stack when it reaches the base case of the recursion.
  6. Create a tar file containing all the files you've just created and submit it using the submit program.