CMSC724: Database Management Systems

Prof. Amol Deshpande;    CSIC 2120;    Tue-Thur 11:00am-12:15pm

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For each of the required papers, a critique must be submitted by 10:30am the day of the class. More below.

The posted slides may be from last time (annotated "spring 2009"), and I will post the updated slides before the class.



This is a research-oriented class and hence the main work in this class is independently reading and evaluating research papers in the field of databases. For each of the assigned papers, you should submit a critique before the class. The critiques should show evidence of independent thinking, and there are many ways you could structure those. Here are two suggestions: I will post examples of some summaries after the first paper (or you can look at some examples from last year

The critique should be posted on the class forum in the thread corresponding to the paper. The forum is set to be a private forum, so you must join the group "CMSC 724 Spring 2011" before you can post in it. To join the group, follow the instructions at: Joining a Group.

Critiques are worth about 20% (along with class participation).

Late submissions or no submissions will be penalized. Missing upto two summaries is fine. Beyond that: 3 missed or late submissions - 5/20 points deducted. 4 missed submissions, 10/20 deducted. 5 missed submissions 20/20 deducted.