class Dfa # Constructor for the DFA def initialize @state = @final = @transition = {} end # Creates a new state def add_state(v) unless has_state?(v) @state[v] = true @transition[v] = {} end end # Returns true if the state exists def has_state?(v) @state[v] end # Set (or reset) the start state def set_start(v) add_state(v) @start = v end # Set (or reset) a final state def set_final(v, final = true) add_state(v) if final @final[v] = true else @final.delete(v) end end # Returns true if the state is final def is_final?(v) @final[v] end # Creates a new transition from v1 to v2 with symbol x # Any previous transition from v1 with symbol x is removed def add_transition(v1, v2, x) add_state(v1) add_state(v2) @transition[v1][x] = v2 end # Get the destination state from v1 with symbol x # Returns nil if non-existent def get_transition(v1,x) if has_state?(v1) @transition[v1][x] else nil end end # Returns true if the dfa accepts the given string def accept?(s, current = @start) if s == "" is_final?(current) else dest = get_transition(current,s[0,1]) if dest == nil false else accept?(s[1..-1], dest) end end end end # Prints s followed by pass (or fail) if b is true (or false) def mytest(b, s) if b puts "#{s}: pass" else puts "#{s}: fail" end end d = d.set_start(1) d.set_final(2) mytest(d.has_state?(1), "test1") mytest(d.has_state?(2), "test2") mytest(d.has_state?(3) == false, "test3") mytest(d.is_final?(2), "test4") d.add_transition(1,2,"a") mytest(d.get_transition(1,"a") == 2, "test5") mytest(d.get_transition(1,"x") == nil, "test6") d.add_transition(1,1,"b") mytest(d.get_transition(1,"b") == 1, "test7") mytest(d.accept?("bbba"), "test8") mytest(d.accept?("a"), "test9") mytest(d.accept?("xyz") == false, "test10") mytest(d.accept?("") == false, "test11")