Jazz : A Toolkit for Object-Oriented 2D Graphics in Java (with zooming)

by Benjamin B. Bederson and Britt McAlister

Summary by Bongwon Suh


This paper clearly demonstrates the motivation and the architecture of Jazz. I think Jazz toolkit can be a nice guide to implement ZUI applications. Jazz provides developers a general ,easy and powerful way to build it. Jazz has clear structure (fig. 1) and its components are easy to extend. So far, so good.
But Jazz is so brand-new system that there is only a few application which was implemented in it - even Jazz itself is under construction. I think this could be one of major problems for justifying the usefulness of Jazz. I hope that nice applications built in Jazz could prove it soon.

Sharing nodes over distributed systems.

I think sharing nodes over networks would be valuable. I remember a short video clip about Pad. In that, two systems shared one zoomable space and two users were drawing each own part of a face (one was drawing eyes, the other was drawing outline?)
I think this could be implemented easily by sharing ZNode references over RMI. There might be problems such as network overhead, security checking etc. But It seems that including this feaure is not a bad idea.

