CMSC 434 - Spring 2009
Prof. Bederson

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

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Class description:

This is an introductory course to the field of Human-Computer Interaction.  It concentrates on the effectiveness and efficiency of computer technology from the user's point of view.  While we will present basic human factor results and develop some technology to build interfaces, the focus is on user experience.

In this course, we look at the complete life cycle of interface development.  Following a standard pattern of product development, we will discuss key aspects of the design process including: the Analysis of users needs, the formalization of these needs (Definition), the exploration of possible solutions to address these needs (Ideation), the evaluation of the potential of these solutions (Idea Evaluation), the Implementation of prototypes and their Evaluation.

The class meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm to 4:45pm in CSI 1122.