Troubleshooting CVS

If you are having any difficulty using CVS or AutoCVS with this class, then please follow these steps precisely to try and get things working again.  After each step, check if CVS is working.  If not, try the next step.  To check if CVS is working follow these two steps:

  1. Select your project
  2. Right click and execute Team->Update
    There should be a progress bar which should go away with no errors.
  3. Right click and execute Team->Commit.  Click OK when asked for a comment.  There should be a progress bar which should go away with no errors.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Make sure you have the current version of software installed (Eclipse 3.0M7, AutoCVS 0.0.5 and Dr Java Eclipse plug-in 0.9.3).  If you are using a previous version of software, reinstall as follows:
  2. Within Eclipse in the Dr Java perspective, select your project and execute File->Refresh.  Then execute Project->Rebuild Project.
  3. If you are still having trouble, the next approach is to Re-checkout the project from CVS and replace the new files with your local solution and then check those back in.  Do this as follows (for these examples, I'll assume your project is named 'hw6', but it could be for any project:
  4. If CVS still isn't working, then the final approach is to make an entirely new workspace and import your old files into the new workspace.  Do this as follows: