Midterm #2 Topics

Java Specific Features:
- Pass by value
- Return values
- Strings (including conversion to/from primitive types)
- Variables (instance, parameter, local, shadowing)
- Increment/Decrement operators (++, --)
- Loops (while, for, do-while), nested loops
- switch statement
- break statement
- packages
- Arrays (of primitives and of references), passing as parameters and returning
- Exceptions
- Callbacks

General Progamming Issues:

- Model View Controller
- Design
- Testing
- Debugging
- Documentation
- Callstack and Heap

Java Library (You should know how to use these - but you don't have to remember
any specific methods, we would provide any specific method signatures you need
to know):

- JOptionPane
- String
- StringBuffer
- ArrayList
- Stack

Exam Rules

a. 50 minutes exam (in discussion not lecture)
b. Closed book/closed notebooks, no calculators allowed.
c. Please use pencil.
d. Format:

i. Some short answer conceptual questions.
iii. Write complete code segments.