Incremental Java


A block begins with an open brace, followed by zero or more statements, followed by a close brace. Here are some examples: You can declare local variables anywhere in a method body. However, if you declare a variable within a block, then it only has scope within the block.

For example:

public void foo()
   int x = 3 ;

   {  // Open brace starts block
      int y = 4 ;
      // Prints 7.  y is accessible here
      System.out.println( "Sum is " + (x + y) ) ;
   } // End of block. y is out of scope

   System.out.println( "x is " + x ) ;
   // Won't compile.  y is not in scope
   System.out.println( "Sum is " + (x + y) ) ;
We started a block and within the block we declared y. y is created at the declaration. It disappears once we exit the end of the block. Thus, the very last println() fails to compile because y is not in scope. It's only valid within a block.

The block is often called the inner scope. The method body is then the outer scope. If you can't find the variable you're looking for in the inner scope, then you look at the outer scope. This is how x is found. When you start a block, it has access to all variables as if you had never started the block. When you exit a block, the variables in the block are invalid.

Shadowed Variables

Once we're in a block, we can declare any variable we want, using the same names as variables in the outer scope. For example,
public void foo()
   int x = 3 ;

   {  // Open brace starts block
      boolean x = true ;

      // Prints "x is true"
      System.out.println( "x is " + x ) ;
   } // End of block. y is out of scope

   // Prints "x is 3"
   System.out.println( "x is " + x ) ;
When you enter a block, you enter a scope. If you declare a variable with the same name as an outer scope, then the inner variable is used, and the variable in the outer scope is shadowed or hidden. Even though Java permits this, it's usually a bad idea to shadow variables.

When x is declared in the block as a boolean variable, the other x, which is declared as an int variable still exists. There are two different x variables. However, you can only access the x that's closest in scope to you.

Thus, the first println() method picks the boolean x, since that println() is in the block where the boolean x was declared.

In the second println(), the boolean x is out of scope, and is no longer valid. Thus, the only available x is the int version, which still has a value of 3, showing that it did not disappear.

Why Blocks?

Blocks don't seem to serve much purpose. It has complicated rules. So why study them? Why not avoid using blocks altogether?

First, the method body is itself a block. Local variables in the method body are created upon entering the block (and running the declaration) and disappear when one exits the method body.

Second, once we talk about control flow, we'll see blocks everywhere. It's strange now, but it's something you have to deal with.