Incremental Java
Declaring Primitive Variables

Declaring Variables

In Java, as in C and C++, you must declare a variable before you use it. Declaring a variable does the following three things. It's simple to declare variables. Let's do it.
   int cost ;
Write down the name of the type, then an identifier, then a semicolon. When the program is run, and it sees this declaration, a box is created with name cost and type int.

In any scope (we'll explain scope later), you can only declare a given name once. For example, I can't declare cost and then declare it again.

   int cost ;
   int cost ;  // ERROR! Declaring cost a second time
The double slash you see in red is called a comment. Comments are ignored by Java. They are used by programmers like you and me. They help you and others to understand the program you've written.

Syntax for Declaring One Variable

Syntax is a rule. If you break the rule, the program is invalid. It's like breaking a grammatical rule in English.

The rule is:

Declaring More Than One Variable

You can declare more than one variable. They have to be separated by commas. Here's an example.
   int cost, tax, surcharge ;
We've declared three variables, each of type int. This creates three different boxes.

We've put the variables on the same line, but we could do:

   int cost, 
       surcharge ;
Java doesn't care about spaces. A space can be replaced by 5 spaces or 10 spaces. You can hit return once or not at all or a hundred times. However, most Java programmers wouldn't spread out the spacing as above.

My preference is to start a new declaration on each line.

   int cost ; 
   int tax ;
   int surcharge ;

Syntax for Declaring More Than One Variable

The rule for declaring two or more variables of the same type is: The rule for the repeat pattern is: A repeat pattern looks like , cost. Thus, we can think of the declaration:
   int cost, tax, surcharge ;
as the type name, "int", followed by whitespace, followed by a variable name, "cost", followed by whitespace, followed by repeat pattern, ", tax", followed by repeat pattern ", surcharge", followed by a semicolon.

Do these rules sound complicated? I give you the rules in this way because Java defines them in this manner.

However, don't worry. It's simple. Put a type name, and a list of variables separated by commas, ending in a semicolon.

Break Up Declarations

Suppose you had a long declaration such as:
   int earningsInJanuary, earningsInFebruary, earningsInMarch,
       earningsInApril, earningsInMay, earningsInJune, earningsInJuly,
       earningsInAugust, earningsInSeptember, earningsInOctober,
       earningsInNovember, earningsInDecember ;
This is perfectly valid Java. It is a single declaration (of many variables). However, it uses up four lines.

I prefer to break it up into four declarations, putting each declaration on one line. I find it easier to look up the type---once you find the variable, you just look all the way to the left to find its type.

You don't have to do this, but I like it better this way.

Here's how I would rewrite it:

   int earningsInJanuary, earningsInFebruary, earningsInMarch ;
   int earningsInApril, earningsInMay, earningsInJune, earningsInJuly ;
   int earningsInAugust, earningsInSeptember, earningsInOctober ;
   int earningsInNovember, earningsInDecember ;
This is four declarations instead of one. Java doesn't particularly care which way you do it, so think of this as a style rule.