CMSC 102 - Introduction to Information Technology : Fall 1997 Instructor : Evan Golub Office : 1115 AVW 405-0180 Teaching Assistant : TBA Office : 1151 AVW Office Hours : TBA and posted on office doors Course Description : An introduction to computer terminology and concepts of computing. Hands on experience with tools available on the Internet to find information, as well as microcomputer applications such as a word processor and a spreadsheet package. Student Goal : To be able to use the tools and information available on the Internet to gather ideas and facts, and to then organize and format gathered information (both on and off the net) in a professional manner using the software packages for the personal computer. Required : - Nothin' But Net : Beta 2 Edition by Evan Golub & Jandelyn Plane Available at the College Copy & Print Center on Knox Road - Blank Diskettes : Four (4) 3.5 inch high density - Manila Envelopes : Six (6) - A WAM Account (apply for it in room 1400 CSS new wing) - A WAM print account (also in 1400) Also required will be one of : - The Cuckoo's Egg by Clifford Stoll - Where Wizards Stay Up Late by Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon (who needs which book will be discussed in class) Grading : Mid-Term Exam (25%) Projects - 7 (31%) Editor and UNIX (3%) Word processor and FTP (4%) Gopher (4%) Web searching (5%) Web page creation (5%) Spreadsheet (7%) Internet research (3%) Papers - 2 (12%) "Book report" (8%) "Position paper" (4%) Final Exam (32%) Online (7%) Written (25%) Projects will be due at class time on the date specified on the syllabus. Projects will not be accepted at a later time without a VALID MEDICAL EXCUSE. NOTE : Since you are given an extended period of time in which to work on a given project, the medical excuse will need to cover an extended period of time as well. A letter from your physician with his/her phone number and the dates for which you were incapacitated WILL be required at a minimum. Even with a valid excuse, you will still be expected to hand in your project, but will be given appropriate time. Any project handed in after class, in my office, at the undergraduate office, in my mailbox, or place other than at the start of class will receive a grade of zero. Projects are to be done INDIVIDUALLY. Working in ANY way with other students will be considered cheating. Cheating is (of course) PROHIBITED. A student found to be cheating on a project will receive a zero for that project and will be reported to the honor council for an academic review. The Mid-Term Exam will be given during the normal class period. University IDs must be available for inspection on exam day. You may bring ONLY a number 2 pencil and blue pen to your seat on an exam day. You may not leave until the exam period is over. With acceptable documentation of medical excuse a make-up exam will be given at the instructor's convienence. This documentation must be provided at the class session following the exam, or in the case of extended absense due to medical reasons, the class session immediately following the end of the excused period. A medical excuse will need to be documented by your physician or from the University Health Center's Social Services Department in MODULE II of the health center. If a student expects to miss an exam for a university function they are REQUIRED to attend, an explanation from a faculty member will be required IN ADVANCE. As with projects, cheating on exams is PROHIBITED. This includes looking at another student's exam, showing another student your exam, using any notes during the exam. Students caught cheating in any way will receive a zero on the exam and will be reported to the honor council for an academic review. Topics Hardware/Software/Operating Systems/Networks : Introduction and Terminology Introduction to the Internet The UNIX Operating System Brief introduction to the PC, Windows and WordPerfect Using on-line Resources via Telnet Exploration of On-line Library Resources Introduction to Database Theory and Some On-line Databases The World Wide Web : Accessing, Searching, Creating Introduction to Spreadsheets and Quattro Pro Some Basic Concepts in Statistics Issues in Credibility and Reliability of Sources on the Internet Social and Legal Issues Relating to the Internet Projects & Paper There will be seven projects during the semester. Several of the projects will have multiple parts each of which may have a separate due date. On average, you can expect to have a project due every other week. There will be two papers assigned during the semester. The first will be based on one of the books listed above and will be assigned near mid-semester. It is recommended that you do not begin reading the book until the paper is assigned. That first paper will be due approximately three weeks after it is assigned. The second paper will be a short position paper on an Internet related topic. It will be assigned towards the end of November and will be due on the last day of our class (Dec 11th). Exams The (probable) semester mid-term exam date is October 30th. The written portion of the final exam will be on Thursday Dec 18 at 1:30pm. There will also be an on-line portion of the final. The details of this will be given in class.