1. k-server password manager.

a) I would like to store my password on a cloud server (online password manager). But I don't wish to entrust any single server with my password. Please devise a scheme such that I can store my password on k different servers, such that any coalition of k-1 servers learn nothing about my password. However, I can recover my password by talking to all k servers.

b) In general, how can I split a secret amongst k servers, such that any coalition of t (t < k) servers cannot learn anything about my secret?

(Assume the servers are honest-but-curious, i.e., they will store data honestly for me, and will not tamper with the data. However, they may be curious to learn my password)
(Hint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir's_Secret_Sharing)

c) Let's do a concrete example of Shamir Secret Sharing. Although in practice, we should use finite field algebra, for simplicity, in this problem, we will use standard integer rings. Suppose we have a 3-out-of-5 Shamir Secret Sharing scheme. Reconstruct the secret from the following 3 shares:
(1, 9)
(2, 33)
(3, 77)