CMSC 250- Discrete Math: The following got one vote each Dave Akin (A UMCP Aerospace Professor) Big Foot Michael Bloomberg (Former mayor of NY) Marc Bouden (Writer) Steven Carell (Comedian- if I voted for a comedian I'd vote Stewart/Colbert) Carl the Llama Ricky C Corn Bread Jason Fe Mr Potato Head Lee Hirsch (Physics Professor at UMCP) Monkey D. Luffy (Fictional character in Manga) Me (the student wrote ``Me'') Hynes (can't read the rest) John Piper (Preacher of some sort, but that could be a different John Piper) Mitt Romney Dwight Schrute (fictional Character from TV show THe office) Jon Snow (Fictional Character from TV Game of Thrones) K. Spacey/F. Underwood (F. Underwood is fictional char on House of Cards played by Kevin Spacey) Bob Vance (Fictional Character from TV show The office) Bruce Wayne (Batman's alter ego. Or Batman is Bruce Wayne's alter ego) Kalf "Wall just got 10 feet taller" Zmoda (the phrase is on the web said by Trump, but couldnt' find Kalf Zmoda)