\documentclass[12pt,ifthen]{article} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{comment} \newif{\ifshowsoln} \showsolntrue \newcommand{\und}{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\bits}[1]{\{0,1\}^{{#1}}} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} % for \nmid \begin{document} \centerline{\textbf{HW 11 CMSC 456. Hard Deadline Dec 14.}} \centerline{\textbf{VERY IMPORTANT: NO DEAD-CAT EXTENSIONS}} \begin{enumerate} \item (25 points. This requires material from the THIRD packet of slides on secret sharing.) Show that there is NO way to do $(t,m)$ Verifiable Secret Sharing in a way that is information-theoretic secure. \newpage \item (25 points. This requires material from the SECOND packet of slides on secret sharing.) Zelda has a secret $s$. She wants to share it with $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$ such that If $A_1$ and $A_2$ and $A_3$ (or any superset) get together they can learn the secret. If $A_1$ and $A_4$ (or any superset) get together they can learn the secret. If $A_2$ and $A_4$ (or any superset) get together they can learn the secret. If $A_3$ and $A_4$ (or any superset) get together they can learn the secret. NO OTHER set of people who get together can learn anything about the secret. (For Example, $A_1,A_3$ cannot learn anything about the secret.) and NOW for the question: \begin{enumerate} \item (15 points) EXPLAIN an info-theoretic secret sharing scheme Zelda can use. Specify: (1) What Zelda gives to each person, and (2) What each group does to obtain the secret. \item (10 points) Let $|s|$ be the length of the secret. ROUGHLY how many bits does each $A_i$ get? Your answer should be of the form $f(|s|) + O(1)$. \end{enumerate} \vfill\eject \item (30 points. This problem just needs the FIRST packet of Secret Sharing Slides.) Zelda is doing info-theoretic $(2,5)$ secret sharing with $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4,A_5$. The secret is 10000000 (in binary). She will use the polynomial method. \begin{enumerate} \item (10 points) What is the least prime $p$ such that she can do this over mod $p$? \item (10 points). Let $p$ be the prime you picked in the last problem. If Zelda used the prime just below $p$ why is this bad? \item (10 points) Explain the polynomial Secret Sharing Method and point out WHERE the fact that $p$ is a prime is used. \end{enumerate} \vfill\eject \item (20 points) The following questions concern the guest lecture by ``Daniel Apon'' from ``NIST'' \begin{enumerate} \item (10 points) State something interesting and NON-technical that you learned in ``Daniel Apon's'' guest lecture. \item (10 points) State something interesting and technical that you learned in ``Daniel Apon's'' guest lecture. \end{enumerate} \vfill\eject \item (0 points but plesae do it to help me out for the next time I teach this course.) \begin{enumerate} \item What was our favorite part of the course? Why? \item What was your least favorite part of the course? Why? \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document}