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Ideas for Christmas Party

Last year we had two skits, two songs, and Bill Pugh ate fire. I emceed stuff which served to connect things together. At the end we all introduced ourselves by giving our name, dept, and favorite TV show.

So for this year I think we can do the same. Below are many songs and skits to choose from. I am working on another skit and should have it ready by Tuesday.

We COULD do some song that we did last year over again, perhaps introducing by having Dave Levin and I talk about either how its a TRADITION, or talk about how this year we have someone who can REALLY SING singing for us.

GRAD STUDENTS: We WELCOME skits from you that make fun of faculty.

Here is what we did in 2013: 2013

Here are ideas for SKITS and SONGS:


  1. AI sketch- translating words to what they REALLY mean. aiwords.pdf
  2. Sketch on what academics SAY and MEAN say.mean.pdf DID THIS IN 2013
  3. Dr. Suess writes a tech manuual. suess.pdf
  4. A 10-minute play which is a Tenure Meeting where they are debating if God gets Tenure (Samir could play the Chairman!). god.pdf DID THIS IN 2013
  5. The Halting problem is undecidable as if by Dr. suess here
  6. Interviewing a lecturer (Kris would play the person being interviewed) here


  1. The longest Path Actually on You-Tube: here. Lyrics are here: lp.pdf DID THIS in 2013
  2. The 12 ways of Tenure 12.tenure.pdf
  3. Theory-Theory-Theory (to the tune of the Adverbs song, Lolly-lolly-lolly from schoolhouse rock. See here.) Our lyrics are here.
  4. Theory Girl. (This was first performed by Neil Springs band when he was a grad student.) Lyrics: here The tune is Billy Joel's Uptown Girl. You-tube video is here
  5. A finite simple group of order two. A pure math song. Its a cappella though I am not sure we can pull that off. Its on You Tube: here I think its an original tune. Its by THE KLEIN four, who are (or were- I assume they have graduate by now) a group of math grad students. They have a CD which of course I have. Lyrics are here DID THIS IN 2013
  6. Academic Rhapsity (tune of Bohemian Rhapsody) here
  7. Here is a song we WILL NOT be doing but you may find it fun if you don't it incredibly offensive. Lyrics here. You-Tube: here.
  8. Other songs: here

    Once I think we could use: Computer Man,

    Fifty Ways to Hose your Code,

    White Collar Hollar,

    My favorite computer things

    I love you a function and a set (though it needs more lyrics).

    Disclaimer: The last one was written by my darling for me!

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William Gasarch 2014-11-17