1: Where have you taught? I taught at the school of hard knocks. 2: What have you taught? I've taught them how to avoid their bookie if they owe money and how to find their bookie if they are owed money. 3: What are your career goals? To be the the master of time and space. 4: If you were to redesign CS 1 from scratch what would a good language be to use? English. 5: What is their view of group projects? I like them. It teaches them an invaluable skill: how to cheat off of the smartest person in the group and pass it off as your own work. 6: Do they place importance on good writing/expression, and how? Understand the question I do not. 7: How comfortable are you working with others? Will they do most of the work? 8: How comfortable are you working with TAs? If they mow my lawn and get me coffee, I am very comfortable working with them. 9: Some students are brand new to computing, others have had lots of prior exposure. How to you deal with that? Fail them all and let God sort it out. 10: How do you get students attention? Fire off a gun to wake them up. 11: What if a student contacted you the night before an exam asking for a whole lot of help- what would you do? This is why I have Caller ID. 12: A student says "why do I have to learn discrete math if all I want to do is program?" What is your response? Fuck You. 13: What do you like about teaching? What don't you like about teaching? Like: Seeing a student cry in my office after getting a bad grade. Dislike: Seeing a student get a degree and earn twice my salary. 14: Is there anything you would like to ask us? Do you do random drug tests or are they announced? 15: Uh, anything else you wantto ask? When do I start?