Collaboration Exercises

Exercise 1

Prompt the user for the following information:
  • Name
  • How many peaches would they like to buy at $0.69 each?
  • How many apples would they like to buy at $0.49 each?
  • How many pears would they like to buy at $0.99 each?
Then display text that shows the following:
  • A friendly greeting that includes the visitor's name.
  • A nicely formatted list of the items the visitor has selected to buy, including the total price for each item.
  • The total price of all the items ordered.

    Exercise 2

    Expand your code above. Ask the user how much they will pay. Then, compute the amount of change they will receive. You must compute the change as follows.
    • You can only give change in coins: quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
    • You must give the minimum number of coins (e.g. you can't give 26 pennies if you can give 1 quarter and 1 penny).
    For example, if the bill is $8.36 and the amount tendered is $10.00, then the change is $1.64:
    6 quarters
    1 dime
    0 nickels
    4 pennies You can assume that the amount tendered is always greater than or equal to the total bill.