Low Fidelity Prototype Assignment

Your job is to design a new security system for entry to the valut. The clip above shows the current security protocol: a keypad entry, retina scan, and double ID card scan.

You can design whatever protocol you want, but it must be at least this secure, if not more secure.

You have an 8" x 11" wall mounted touchscreen display to work with. You can assume it has whatever kind of sensors you like (retina scanner, facial recognition, fingerprint, handprint, some other thing you make up). Build a low fidelity prototype of the security entry system. You can use standard sheets of paper for the screen. If you add sensors, ID slots, scanners, etc., mock those up as well. Use whatever low-fidelity materials you like - paper towel rolls, boxes, cardboard, duct tape, string, etc.

Bring your prototype to class next week. You will demo it in class and offer feedback to each other. I will also evaluate your prototypes. The prototype should have the following:

  • All aspects of the functionality - what happens if I fail to authenticate at any step? What happens in the process? Can I try again? Do I start over entirely? Include every screen, prompt, window, menu, etc.
  • All interface elements, including scanners, buttons, keypads, etc. mocked up.
  • You are able to walk a user through the authentication process in your prototype smoothly and efficiently (i.e. practice!).