Homework Submission Instructions

File Naming

Submit a separate file for each exercise in the homework. Your files must be named lastname_firstname_hw#_ex#.html where you substitute your own first name, last name, and you include the correct homework and exercise number. For example, if your name is John Smith and you are submitting code for exercise 2 in homework assignment 3 , your file must be named smith_john_hw3_ex2.pl Capitalization must match this exactly, so make sure everything is lower case including the .html extension.

If you have any supporting files, such a libraries you have written, you must name these the same way, beginning with lastname_firstname_hw#. You can follow the hw# with a file name you choose, but it must have no spaces or other special characters.

Do NOT upload a folder, a zip archive, etc. You must upload each file directly to the appropriate assignment space on canvas.

Submitting Homework

Upload your assignment in Canvas in the assignments section with the appropriate homework assignment.

Partial Credit

Partial credit will be assigned for assignments. You will receive partial credit for either (1) getting part of an exercise working OR (2) turning in an exercise that does not work but which you attempted and got close to the solution. An assignment that does not work perfectly can receive approximately half credit. You will not receive credit for working parts and then additional partial credit for parts that do not work. Consider partial credit an opportunity to earn some points if you did not get the assignment working correctly, but remember that the goal and point of the homework is to get the exercises to work correctly.