Home Syllabus Course Material Assignments INST799 - Thesis Research


This class is designed to help students prepare for the thesis and capstone requirement by

Class Meetings

8/30 Thesis vs. capstone, initial ideas, plan for the term
9/20 Initial project idea sharing, critiques
10/4 IRB applications, pilot study planning
10/25 Group draft critique
11/15 Group draft critique
12/6 Final presentations


Project idea sketch 15% Due 9/20
Project draft 1 15% Due 10/25
Project draft 2 15% Due 11/15
Final presentation 15% Due 12/6
Class Participation 40%

Assignments will be discussed and used in class. They are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late assignments will receive no credit.

You must attend class on the session dates and participate actively and productively in the discussions and interactions. Your participation will be a large part of your grade for the class.