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SPDT '96
SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
Final Program

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May 22-23, 1996
Downtown Marriott
Philadelphia, PA

Tuesday, May 21, 1996

7:00 PM-10:00 PM Reception

Wednesday, May 22, 1996

8:00-9:00 FCRC Plenary
Information Technology is the Lever, But Where Shall We Stand? Wm. A. Wulf (University of Virginia)
9:20-10:40 Session S1 Performance Tuning
Chair: Barton Miller (University of Wisconsin)
Waiting Time Analysis and Performance Visualization in Carnival Wagner Meira Jr., Thomas J. LeBlanc and Alexander Poulos (University of Rochester)
An Online Computation of Critical Path Profiling Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth (University of Maryland, College Park)
10:40-10:55 Coffee Break
10:55-12:40 Session S2 Debugger Techniques
Chair: Al Malony (University of Oregon)
Event and State-Based Debugging in TAU: A Prototype Sameer Shende, Janice Cuny, Lars Hansen, Joydip Kundu, Stephen McLaughry and Odile Wolf (University or Oregon)
Debugging Race Conditions in Message-Passing Programs Robert H.B. Netzer, Timothy W. Brennan (Brown University) and Suresh K. Damodaran-Kamal (Hewlett-Packard Company)
Debugging Heterogeneous Applications with Pangaea Leesa Hicks (Credence Systems) and Francine Berman (University of California, San Diego)
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:20 Session S3 Performance Monitoring
Chair: Bert Halstead (DEC Cambridge Research Center)
Execution Analysis of DSM Applications: A Distributed and Scalable Approach Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre and Olivier Reymann (Ecole Normale Superiéure de Lyon)
The SHRIMP Performance Monitor: Design and Applications Margaret Martonosi, Douglas W. Clark and Malena Mesarina (Princeton University)
3:20-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-5:00 Session D1 Great Tools Concepts: Their Past, Present, and Future
Moderator: Joan Francioni

Tom Cassavant (University of Iowa)

Doug Pase (IBM Power Parallel Systems)

Cherri Pancake (Oregon State University)

Bart Miller (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Thursday, May 23, 1996

8:00-9:00 FCRC Plenary
Designing Your Own Multithreaded Processor Burton Smith, Tera Computer
9:20-10:30 Session S4 Debugger Architectures
Chair: Doug Kimmelman (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Experiences with Building Distributed Debuggers Michael S. Meier, Kevan L. Miller, Donald P. Pazel, Josyula R. Rao and James R. Russell (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
KDB: A Multi-Threaded Debugger for Multi-Threaded Applications Peter A. Buhr (University of Waterloo), Martin Karsten (Universitaet Mannheim) and Jun Shih (University of Waterloo)
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:30 Session S5 Performance Analysis
Chair: Diane Rover (Michigan State University)
Automatic Performance Prediction to Support Cross Development of Parallel Programs Matthias Schumann (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
Two Performance Tool Design Issues and CHITRA's Solutions Marc Abrams, Randy Ribler and Anup Mathur (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Event Graph Visualization for Debugging Large Applications Dieter Kranzlmüeller, Siegfried Grabner and Jens Volkert (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:20 Session S6 Debugger Interfaces
Chair: Doug Pase (IBM Power Parallel Systems)
The Mantis Parallel Debugger Steven S. Lumetta and David E. Culler (University of California, Berkeley)
The p2d2 Project: Building a Portable Distributed Debugger Robert Hood (NASA Ames Research Center)
3:20-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-5:00 Session D2 New Frontiers, or Back to the Future
Moderator: Dan Reed
Panelists: Ian Foster (Argonne National Labratory)

Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech)

Diane Rover (Michigan State University)

Eileen Kraemer (Washington University)

General Chair:

Barton Miller (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Program Chairs:

Joan Francioni (University of Southwestern Louisiana)

Dan Reed (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Program Committee:

Al Geist (Oak Ridge National Lab) Bert Halstead (DEC Cambridge Res. Lab)
Doug Kimelman (IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center) Allen Malony (University of Oregon)
John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University)Robert Netzer (Brown University)
Cherri Pancake (Oregon State University) Doug Pase (IBM)
Mendel Rosenblum (Stanford University) Diane Rover (Michigan State University)
Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech)Jerry Yan (NASA Ames Research Center)

Local Arrangements Chair:

Jeff Hollingsworth (University of Maryland-College Park)